Chapter XXXV

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„Freddie?“ Penny called from the bedroom where she was standing in front of the mirror.

„Yes, darling?“ Fred called back.

„Can you zip me up, please?“ Fred came into the bedroom, where Penny tried awkwardly to zip up her dress herself.

„Sure, let me help you.“ he smiled and got to work. Of course, Fred wouldn’t be Fred if he didn’t planned on teasing Penny a little.

„Hm, you look amazing,“ he said in a deep voice as his finger ran down Penny’s spine, leaving a trail of goosebumps.

„Who did you dress up for like that?“, he raised an eyebrow and grabbed the zipper.

„I don’t have to worry, do I?“ Fred whispered in Penny’s ear and slowly pulled up the zipper.

„Otherwise I won’t let you go.“ he pressed a kiss to Penny’s neck.

„Damn, Fred.“ Penny groaned and turned to face him after he had successfully closed her dress.

„If you’d ask me, I’d rather stay here and spend the night with you in our bed .“ she pouted and wrapped her arms around him.

„Mhm, I feel the same way.“ he copied her action and hugged her tighter.

„But wait,“ Penny said, taking a step back, letting her gaze travel up and down Fred’s body.

„You look quite dashing yourself, so who are you trying to impress, huh?“ she asked with a smile on her lips.

„You see, there’s this girl, she works with Charlie, he wanted to introduce her and –„ but before he could finish, Penny punched him in the chest.

„Wanker.“ she shook her head and grinned, knowing he was only joking.

„I’m only joking,“ he raised his hands in defense.

„The only woman, I ever wanted to impress and always will impress is standing in front of me right now and is going to marry me next week.“ he cupped her cheek with his hand and she nuzzled into it.

„I love you.“ she smiled.

„And I love you.“ he leaned down and met her lips in a tender kiss.

„We’re here! And we’re coming in now so you better get your clothes on because I really don’t fancy seeing my brother naked and I really can’t afford the cost of therapy afterwards.“ Fred and Penny laughed as Ginny’s voice boomed loudly through the flat and announced the arrival of their friends.

„It’s alright sis. We’re fully clothed.“ Fred called back and that’s when Ginny appeared in the doorway, one hand over her eyes, carefully peering through her fingers.

„Seriously Gin? You don’t trust me?“ he chuckled.

„I’ve lived with George and you all my life, so no, I don’t trust you,“ she giggled, arms crossed, and received a light slap to the back of her head from George, who didn’t expect her to punch him hard on the arm.

„Ouch. Bloody hell.“ George muttered and rubbed the spot Ginny had hit.

„Alright you lot. Ready to go?“, Lee asked and handed each of them a bottle of butterbeer.

„I think that’s where we part ways.“ Fred said and pulled Penny close, turning her towards him and planting a kiss on her lips.

Penny immediately melted into his touch.

„That’s enough!“ Charlie and Ginny yelled at the same time, and before Penny could react, Charlie and George had grabbed Fred by the arms, and Fleur and Ginny did the same to Penny, pulling them apart.

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