Chapter IV

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I woke up to the faint sound of two unfamiliar voices. I wasn't able to open my eyes yet but I slowly felt my consciousness coming back. My head was pounding and I had a ringing in my ears.

„Don't touch her, you fucking prick!“, one of the men said.

„Why would you care?“, the other voice answered. I tried to recognize them.

„I don't care, let's just do our job, alright?“, the first voice said, now angrier than before.

„No need to get rude, what's up with you and this bitch, look at how young she is, I bet you also want to fu -“, he was interrupted by what sounded like a slap.

„Ouch, are you mental? You broke my nose.“, he continued.

„Just shut the fuck up already. Do I have to do everything myself?“. I tried so badly to open my eyes, I wanted to know who the men were, but I failed again. After a few minutes I heard the man who spoke first again.

Morsmordre“, he yelled. Think Penelope, think. You know this spell. But before I could come to an conclusion I felt the unconsciousness coming over again.

I felt my body lifted up. And when I was finally able to open my eyes I saw Mr. Weasley carrying me.

„Arthur..I – I mean Mr. Weasley“, I whispered.

„Shhhh, I've got you, you're safe now. You know, you can call me Arthur, dear, it's about time“, he gently said.

„Thank you.“ I managed to say and with that I closed my eyes again.

When I awoke for the third time, I found myself lying in a bed in our tent. I heard my family speaking in the living room. I tried to sit up but my head was spinning and a groan left my mouth.

„Finally back under the living, Pen?“, Fred approached my side, smiling.

„What happened?“, I asked him and his smile faded.

„Listen, I'm sorry, Pen, I feel awful, I was responsible and I failed. I tried so badly to get back to you, but there were so many people and then I lost you and -“.

„Fred! Breathe, okay? Nothing of it was your fault! I'm here now, I'm okay. Do you mind getting Arthur, I need to know what happened.“, I interrupted him.

He nodded and left the bedroom.

Not long after, Arthur and the others entered the bedroom. Ginny and Hermione rushed over to my bed and hugged me. Harry looked shaken. George had the same guilty look like Fred. And the eldest Weasley's all looked concerned.

„Can someone tell me what happened? I just remember getting knocked out and when I first woke up I heard two male voices. What happened?“, I asked them.

„The campsite was attacked by Death Eaters. We don't know why at this point. But the Dark Mark was conjured. Harry saw a man do it. Did you heard anything?“ Arthur asked.

I bet you want to fuck her. I remember every word, he didn't even had to finish the sentence, I know what he meant to say. Goosebumps erupted my body while thinking about what could have happened.

„I- erm, I think I heard them doing it. They used the spell. I knew I've heard it before. But I couldn't open my eyes, I have no idea who the men were“, I spoke with a shaking voice.

„It's alright. You have a concussion, but nothing what a simple potion can't fix.“, he patted my hand. „Rest a little more, I need to speak to the Aurors again and then we can apparate to the Burrow.“, he said and then left the room with Bill, Charlie and Percy.

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