Chapter VI

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We all sat in the great hall, the tables were removed and the benches stood one behind the other.

Tonight’s Halloween, so the Triwizard Champions were selected. Fred sat on my right with George besides him. Hermione was on my left side and Harry and Ron sat in front of us.

Like I said, Fred and George tried to enter, they brewed an aging potion. At first it seemed like they did it but after a few seconds of cheering, they were thrown out of the age line Dumbledore had drew around the Goblet, to stop underage students from entering.

They immediately grew long white hair and beards. It was hilarious. Even Dumbledore himself was impressed by their beards. A nice side effect was, that we now knew how they would look when they were older. But to be honest, I like Fred better without a beard.

The Durmstrang champion was Victor Krum. For Beauxbatons it was Fleur Delacour and for Hogwarts it was Cedric Diggory. I was happy for him but then the Goblet spit out another name. Of course it had to be Harry. The students were shouting at him.

„I don’t want him to take part.“, I said after we all made our way back to the common room.

„I can’t believe he managed to enter without telling me.“, Ron was furious and felt betrayed
„It’s always him. He’s a fucking celebrity and still want more attention.“, he ranted.

„Ron, he didn’t do it himself.“, Hermione had tried to convince Ron from Harry‘s innocence since Dumbledore read the latter’s name on the parchment.

„If you say so. But who knows, maybe you were the one who helped him.“, he nearly yelled at Hermione while stomping in the direction of the boys dormitories.

„RONALD WEASLEY!“, everyone went quiet and turned around to Hermione, who stood there with her finger pointed at Ron.
„Don’t talk to me like that! Go to bed and think about what you have said.“ Ron looked as if someone had slapped him.

„WHAT? Mind your own business.“, she yelled at the crowd.

„Poor Ronniekins. She reminds me so much of mom.“, George chuckled when the twins came up behind me.

„Well, she has a point. Ron acts like an idiot.“, I defended Hermione. Ron was Harry’s best friend, he should be there for him instead of judging him.

I walked over to the fireplace and sat down on the sofa. The twins followed me. George sat down on my left side and Fred jumped over the backrest and plopped down on my right side.

I popped my elbows on my knees and buried my head in my hands.

„I’m worried about him. Someone obviously put his name in the Goblet. The question is why? Someone wants to harm him.“, I sighed.

„Oh come on…“, George said and I looked at him.

„I’m serious.“

„No you’re Penny.“, they said in unison and laughed.

„Boys..“, I groaned but couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped my lips.

„Alright. So what do you think“?, Fred asked and scooted closer to me.

„Okay but please don’t say it to anyone, promise?“, I looked at them and they both nodded. „I have the feeling it has something to do with Moody. I don’t trust him.“

We continued to talk about the possibility of Moody being the one who threw Harry’s name in the goblet until the portrait opened and Harry entered.

I jumped from the sofa straight in his arms.

„What happened? Clearly they can’t let you participate! Dumbledore can’t allow that you’re not of age and you didn’t even do it yourself!“, I pulled him towards the fireplace and gestured for him to sat down while I took my old place between the twins.

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