Chapter X

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Warning - death

The sun was shining very intense, a slight cool breeze caressed my body and let the fabric of my summer dress play around my legs.

The warm and fine sand that surrounded my feet, was a contrast to the surprisingly cold water that every now and then flushed over my feet.

I breathed in the fresh and salty air, while I smiled at the man who swam in the water a bit away from the shore.

I turned around and went back to our big towel. I pulled the dress over my head, now only wearing a blue bathing suit with white polka dots, then I laid down on the towel.
After a while, the man came back. He laid down next to me, his head on my stomach.

My hand immediately found its way in his hair, where it begun to play with it.

His hair was soft even if it was still wet, I twisted the long strands between my fingers. I wondered when it became this long.

When I opened my eyes, to look at him, the first thing I saw was his hair.

His red hair.

It was a dream. Just a dream. But whose red hair was it? Well, I knew to whom belongs this hair. But, why? Why did I dream about him?

I sat up, rubbed my eyes and looked around the room, my roommates were still asleep. When I checked the time it was 3am. I huffed, pulled the duvet off of me and put on my slippers.

Trying not to wake up anyone, I silently went over to the door. Still not fully awake, I stumbled down the stairs to the common room to make myself a cup of tea.

I rummaged through the box with the different sorts of tea. Tonight I was in for something new than the usual earl grey, so I decided to try out a raspberry flavored one.

As always, the tea cups were neatly placed on a small table in one corner of the common room. There’s also always hot water, so if we needed a cup of tea in the middle of the night, we only had to go in the common room.

After I poured the water in my cup, I decided to sit down by the fireplace. I had an internal debate with myself whether I wanted to think about the dream or not.

Just when I decided not to think about it, I heard a door creak. When I heard footsteps on the stairs, I slid further down the armchair, I didn’t felt like seeing anyone, or worse, speaking to anyone.

There was a rustle at the tea table, followed by the noise of something falling down and little grumbled „fuck“.

“Sure, it had to be him”, I whispered to myself. The voice I would recognize everywhere. I just hoped he wouldn’t see me.



I turned around on the armchair to peek out from behind the backrest.

„How did you know it was me?“

He finally managed to made himself a tea and shuffled towards me, then he sat down in the armchair across from me.

„I heard you whisper.“, he shrugged and eyed me curiously. „Why are you up?“, he brought the cup up to his lips in slow motion, cautiously he took a sip and flinched when the hot liquid came in contact with his upper lip.

I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to hide the smile that tried to escape my lips because of this adorable situation.

„I had a… I dreamed.. And couldn’t get back to sleep.“, I took the first sip of my tea and made a grimace. Raspberry isn’t my flavor.

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