Chapter VII

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Today’s November the 24th, the day of the first task. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried.

After I told Harry about the dragons, he went to inform Cedric.

I gave Hermione a hint and she helped Harry prepare. I would have done it myself, especially because I promised him to help, but I couldn’t.

Fred avoided me, well, actually I avoided him, too. At this point I didn’t even know who avoided who. I opened up to Hermione about the whole thing with Fred and obviously she told me to talk to him.

I’m sure that Fred also talked to George, because every time we saw each other he looked at me pitiful, what doesn’t helped my situation.

I missed him terribly.

After I hugged the life out of Harry, I was currently standing by Cedric. He noticed that something wasn’t right and we began to spend more time together.

I liked his company. He’s kind and I can’t deny that he’s also quite handsome. And I had to move on from Fred.

„Be careful, okay?“ I was nervous.

„I am. I promise you I’m not going to die.“, he chuckled and kissed my cheek.

After I said goodbye to Cedric and wished him good luck, I made my way to the library to get Hermione.

I found her sitting in a corner, head buried deep in a book. Nobody else was there.

Apparently all of the other students were already on their way to the quidditch pitch where the first task took place.

„Hermione, are you ready to leave?“, at the sound of my voice she looked up and nodded. She bookmarked the page she was currently on and closed it. She then  gathered her belongings and approached me.

„I’m worried about Harry.“, I said after we walked a bit in silence.

„Mhmm..“, she hummed.

„‘Mione? Mind telling me what’s on your mind?“. I kicked a little stone down the path.

We were some of the last students to went down to the pitch and I just hoped that Ron would have saved us a place.

„You and Cedric, huh?“, she stopped and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

„W-what?“, I laughed and stared at her in disbelief.

„Cedric is my friend, he’s nice, he treats me well and if you haven’t seen it before he is also extremely handsome, and yes, maybe at some point he will be more than a friend.“, I can’t believe she had to bring that up now.

Hermione glanced over my shoulder and her eyes went wide. I quickly spun around and my eyes landed on Fred. Shit.

He opened his mouth as if to say something but he just scoffed, shook his head and turned around.

That was the last straw for me and I ran after him. I heard Hermione and George calling my name but I didn’t care.  If he doesn’t speak to me now, he will never have to do it again.

„FRED! Stop!“

He stopped and faced me. I saw George and Hermione still watching the scene. Probably to jump in if something happened.

Fred took long steps towards me, he watched me like I was his prey. My confidence vanished. He looked intimidating. He’s already much taller than I was and now he seemed even taller than before.

My heart began to pound. I heard my blood rushing in my ears. My hands began to sweat. I had no idea why my body was reacting that way. Nothing’s happened so far.

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