Chaoter 14 - Lost in Language

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Amity and Luz went back to the hideout to see if the twins were still there and luckily, they were.

"Edric—" Amity began

"First name, not that bad" Emira said in a panicking voice


"Second name, slightly concerning" Edric commented


"Oh shit, my full government name"

"Oof—" Emira chuckled

"Where is the keycard?"

"What keycard?"

"The keycard you used to get in" Amity groaned. If she knew her brother well, and she did, she was going to drag this out of him. Well, at least until you threatened to hurt him. So Amity balled up her fists and he immediately caved, knowing Amity would so kick his ass if she wanted to.

"Ok, ok. Here it is" he looked in his back pocket but he found nothing. Chuckling, he looked in his front pocket but still nothing. Then his jacket pockets and he started to panic. And now it Emira's turn to get mad.

"Edric Alador Blight! Did you lose the keycard?"

"Don't yell at me and stop using my government name" he whined. Yet another person perfectly able to kick his ass. It wasn't a secret

"Ed, come on, you have to remember where you put it" Luz urged. That's when Edric broke down on his knees.

"I have no idea" he cried

"Oh titan" Amity groaned

"we're going too die in here" Edric continued to cry

"that's an exaggeration. the doors will open again in the morning" Amity said, rolling her eyes

"did anyone bring their phone?" Luz asked but only getting a head shakes

"Ok then, time to get comfy" Luz sighed. They went to sit in the kids section since Amity's hideout was too small for all four of them and it had more comfy pillows. Sitting down, Edric suggested

"Let's play a game" Edric suggested "how about truth or dare?"

"What are we, twelve?" Amity scoffed

"Hey, it's a fun game" Edric pouted

"Fine, Edric" Emira smirked "truth or dare?"

"Dare, I'm no wuss" Edric said, banging his chest proudly

"Ok, i dare you to read chapter 21 of Red Dance. Out loud"

"Oh god" Amity cringed. She read the book. She knew what that chapter entailed. Edric went to get the book. He knew it was in the hideout. He returned soon after, prepared to completely embarrass Amity without knowing it

"'On any day else, I would scoffed in her face but today I stared into her dark eyes and...' Mittens! What are you reading?" Edric burst into laughter

"Leave me alone" Amity muttered

"Finish it" Emira smirked

"No no, we get it" Amity begged. But Edric kept reading. And the more he read, the bigger Liz's eyes got and the redder Amity's face got. All until the end of the chapter. When the two main characters laid in bed together. The twins laughed but Luz just stared at the youngest Blight in both shock and awe

"Ok Mittens, truth or dare?" Edric asked. She wasn't sure whether to pick truth or dare. Either way her brother would find a way to embarrass her.

"Truth" she answered

"What are you real thoughts or our little Loosey-Luz?" Amity cringed and so did Luz. Amity because now she couldn't lie and Luz because of the very strange nickname Edric gave her

"She's not horrible" Amity managed to say

"Is that all?" Edric questioned

"Yup" no hesitation. She could not let her thoughts be heard. Not now

They spent another five hours in the library. They talked for the first two but eventually, they tired themselves out and fell asleep. Only getting woken up again by the sound of gathering m, muttering children

"Look Miss Nat, it's Amity" one of them said

"Amity," Miss Natalie was almost a bad a person as Amity's mother. Being on her bad side was never recommended but here Amity was, laying on the floor of the library after sneaking in. But in her defense, she snuck in regularly. But only to study or read "you are lucky the head takes a liking to you. But unfortunately for you, you'll be having detention, along with the rest of you, heathens"

"Great, now I have detention. Thanks guys"

"See you Saturday" Miss Nat walked away with a proud smile. This was the day she finally caught Amity Blight of course. And while Amity walked away in sadness, Luz watched her. Her fault...again

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