Chapter 8 - Club Odin

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Hunter was led into a room with the sign on the door saying ODIN. and there were about 10 people lounging around this time. politics. it seemed many people were involved with politics now.

"alright, Selene is captain of club Odin and will fill you in on everything you need to know" the woman smiled. Hunter nodded before she walked away.

"hi, i'm Selene" Selene's grey eyes were a friendly pair. one Hunter was willing to ignore. she was too friendly. it reminded him too much of Camila.

"i'm Hunter" he returned

it was hard. Hunter assumed these were the best and the brightest. this was the top school in the state. so, he quizzed them. poor Hunter. though he was not fond of these people, he did try to fit in. what was it like being a normal student? Hunter wouldn't know. he spent most of his time in his old school's library. how would he know what it was like to interact with other human beings other than Luz and Camila?

and Selene grew impatient. after the tour of the school, she didn't speak to him the whole day. neither did the rest of the members of his club

He spent his time in the cafe. They had good food here at least. And it was free. He noticed some students worked at the cafe. So maybe he could get a job? Nah, he wasn't good at working with people. He'd rather be bossing them around

"Ed, watch where you're going!" He heard a voice strain. Crash. And there went his favorite shirt. Hunter looked up to confront the person who had bumped into him but as soon as he did, he was too stunned to speak. Clearing his throat, excessively, he got up

"Dude, i am so sorry about that" Edric said "i was trying to see how many coffee cups I could hold. Not many" Edric chuckled. Hunter would not have usually laughed but now he chuckled as well. What in titan's name?

"Let me help"

"I'm good, I think I'll just change" Hunter responded

"Oh well, I'm sorry again"

"Ed!" From the other side of the cafe, Emira shouted, rolling her eyes

"It was an accident" Edric shouted back

"I can think of another thing that was an accident, I'm looking right at him" Emira walked towards them and smiled at Hunter. Great. Twins. "Hi, I'm Emira and this dorkus is Edric"

"I'm Hunter"

"Which track are you in?" Emira asked

"I'm in club Odin"

"Oh my titan, snooze fest" Edric gasped, causing Emira to chuckle and shake her head

"Ever need real friends, hang out with us, k cutie?" Emira winked. These two were the death of Hunter

"Ok" he mumbled

"Anyway, now I need to order more coffee now dingus" Emira hit Edric on his head "oh before I forget, I'm Emira"

"And I'm Edric"

"Nice to meet you guys. I'll uh see you around"

"Yup, see you around" Edric waved

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