Chapter 9 - Mrs Eda

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Eda hadn't admitted it but these halls were nostalgic. Both in a good and bad way. As she sat in the office of principal. She began remembrance of this school. Would they want her back?

"Mrs Clawthorne" he breathed out

"Principal Bump" she mimicked

"I understand that you're here to adhere to community service"


"Well, i will not hold your past actions against you" Was Eda hearing correctly? "At least you're trying, Clawthorne. You know where everything is"

"Thank you"

Eda shook his hand and walked out with a smile. Now all she had to do was settle in.

The teacher's dorm rooms were like apartments. One room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. The only problem tho was unlike the students, teachers had to pay for food. But with her large salary, that wouldn't be a problem.


"K-King!" King stuck his tongue out as he ran around the apartment, waving Eda's shirt like it was his prize "get back here you little—"

"No!" King squealed

Giving up from exhaustion, Eda thought of a smart way for to get King to give her shirt back : "King if you give my shirt back, we can go for ice cream" Eda breathed out

"Really?" King let out a squeal of excitement and rushed over to Eda, handing her the shirt she was going to wear when going to meet the other teachers "ok let's go"

"not yet, i still have to--" Eda picked her suitcase up. opened, and threw the clothes inside the closet, quickly closing it before it avalanched on top of her "now, we can go"

King happily took Eda's hand and rushed out of their apartment. TO THE CAFE, he chanted. and to the cafe they went. still as big as ever. still had a bunch of teenagers on their laptops and gossiping about various things.

"i'll have two chocolate ice creams"

"Eda, are you crazy?" King said "Vanilla!"

"fine, vanilla" the cashier chuckled as Eda rolled her eyes

"your son?" she asked

"yeah something like that"

"well he's adorable"

"i am not adorable, fear me" Eda and the cashier burst out laughing

"yes, very scawy" Eda laughed

"just give me ice cream" King huffed. the cashier handed over the ice creams to Eda then thanked her. walking away, Eda handed King his ice cream


after ice cream, Eda got ready. she put minimal effort but yet, "hm, mama looks good" perhaps but King gagged as he waddled in her room

"you look horrible"

"oh shut up, King"

she arrived in the room she was all too familiar with. the teacher's lounge. they gathered around the large table, staring at her as she walked in. she wasn't nervous but there was a reason she left this place. to be back here, if not nerve-racking, then what else?

"welcome back, darling"

"Darius," head of the engineering track and the ex captain of the club Frigg. Eda sat at the table, sighing "what's changed?"

"nothing in you still, you're still a wanted criminal" the rest of the track heads laughed

"those were misunderstandings" Eda muttered, which only allowed more laughing from the other track heads "where's Raine?" she shouldn't have asked but she was curious, even though it had been years.

"Raine's busy being a public representative of Hexside" Terra snorted

"you know they hate that"

"not my call" Terra shrugged. what a long year it was going to be

Someone told me that a chapter reminded them of ep 14 of toh and I was like "wow thanks— wait how?"

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