chapter 2 - Settle in with the Nocedas

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Hunter had a hard time accepting he was being adopted. the little boy didn't have much so Camila had made a note to go shopping the next day. it was a good thing the next day was saturday. she practically had no time during the week. 

"i have a question, Hunter" Camila announced from the driver's seat. 

"would you like your last name to be the same as ours?" 

"um sure" a smile crept on Camila's face. there was something about Hunter. he probably had to grow up at an early age and he was still a child. whatever happened before, she was going to make sure he never went through that again

when they made it home, Hunter almost gasped, their house was beautiful. it wasn't big, or flashy, just beautiful. perhaps the simple things were what made it beautiful like the brown couch or the beige-painted walls. or maybe it was the scattered toys and various out-of-place painting and sculptors

"ok big brother, this is your room" Luz said. his room was also a simple one. it had a bed and a nightstand and a dresser. instead of beige though, the walls were blue. "this was just my toy room but mom and i cleared the stuff" 

"thanks" Hunter mumbled 

"do you want help getting settled in?" 

"no, thank you" Luz shrugged and then left saying: "i'll be back to check on you" 

the days with the Nocedas were weird. they were overly happy and connected even if it were just the two of them. Hunter felt out of place. days turned into weeks and weeks into months and Hunter sill didn't connect with them. Luz wasn't worried, but Camila was. she knew how difficult it was to adjust but she thought by now he would at least say good morning with a smile on his face. 

then, Camila caught him crying on his own. just a child who hid their emotions in front of everyone. it was late at night; he was in his room, curled up on the floor. Hunter jumped, noticing Camila and out of instinct, held his hands up, like she was going to hit him 

"Hunter, Hunter, come here" Camila pulled him into her embrace, and waited until his breathing was even, stroking hair. when he pulled away and wiped his tears she finally asked "do you want to talk about it?" he looked at her the looked away. "it's ok if you don't want to" Camila assured him 

"my dad..." he said 

"take your time" Hunter took a breath in 

"i see my dad in my dreams" 

"i'm guessing bad dreams?" Camila questioned. Hunter nodded his head 

"it's ok, whatever happened, i won't let it happen again. ok, mijo?" Hunter sniffled as Camila pulled him into her embrace once more. a safe space. 

"what's mijo?" he asked. Camila chuckled 

"it means my son" wide-eyed, Hunter smiled before yawning. it was a small step he took accepting his present, but at least he was able to sleep 

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