★ wild magic | oneshot ★

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y'all good after hollow mind? I certainly am not

this chapter is a bit different, as I'm writing for a different golden guard, not the one we've come to love

it's this guy;

he seems like an Alexander, so that's what we'll be calling him in this oneshot to avoid confusion!!

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he seems like an Alexander, so that's what we'll be calling him in this oneshot to avoid confusion!!

so, you're a loner wild witch and this guy approaches you

Also, for plot convenience, he's 16 and so are you


Kicking a rock as you walked the cobblestone road, broken dreams filling your mindscape.

Another one, found dead by a strange magic.

Sigils, they were calling it. Sigils. These strange drawings were only endorsed by two men, named Philip Wittebane and Belos. Philip had been supposedly dead for many years, but rumors of his strange human qualities still surfaced from time to time.

It worried you deeply. Although, the victims seemed to only be in groups, and you seemed to often be an outcast.

Looking up, you noticed how strange it was to see fewer stars than usual. They seemed to dim, and you blinked to make sure you weren't hallucinating. You weren't.

Another weird thing to happen. Sighing, you looked back to the rock and kicked it again. Yet, when you chased after it, a gloved hand made it's way to the area of your collarbone, stopping you.

"My, what's a fair witch doing, this late of the hour?" A quiet, somewhat raspy voice spoke in your ear.

The voice sounded about 15 or 16.

The owner of the voice let go of you, and you spun to face him.

"Hiii!" Despite the fact he was wearing a mask that covered his entire face, you could tell he was smiling. "How are you, this fine night? You seem lost."

It was true, you were lost, but why would you admit that?

"I'm fine, thank you. And I know exactly where I'm going." You responded, trying to sound sophisticated enough so this creep would leave and you could go back to kicking a rock.

"Oh, is that so? A Griffin nest is exactly where you are going?" He was teasing you now, watching as you as you jumped away, glad the Griffin was sleeping.

While moving away from the nest and the creep in a golden owl mask, you snagged the rock you had been kicking, putting it into a pocket. Unlucky you, the golden mask guy followed you, walking alongside you.

"Hm, not much of a talker, are you? I still haven't gotten a name." He looked at you, expectant.

Oh right, courtesy.

"Y/n L/n." You responded hastily, walking faster.

"Fascinating, I'm Alexander, The Golden Guard." He introduced, and extended his hand.

You shook it formally, like a businessman closing a deal.

"Well, Mx. L/n, since you have clearly no idea where you are, Might I suggest you stay with me tonight? This town especially, is a known hiding place for witches who may..." He trailed off, but you got the idea.

"Fine, but I won't like it." You glared, but he didn't seem to notice.

Excitedly, he grabbed your hand and summoned his staff, teleporting you to a quaint living room. There, on the couch, was ANOTHER masked person. You were sick of all these people in masks.

Alexander squeezed your hand reassuringly.

"Heyy, Uncle, I found this lost witch. Can they stay with us for a night?" He asked.

"Sure, just don't let them distract you from our goal, Alexander." The other one replied, blatantly ignoring you.

That's fine, you didn't like this 'Uncle' guy at all.

Alexander led you up some stairs and down short hallway to a large room. There was a couch in there, and you flopped down onto it.

What you didn't realize was the couch was the only possible comfy thing to sleep on. And it wasn't even that comfortable.

Closing  your eyes, you heard Alexander drop his mask, mumbled "Titan why" and sigh.

Then, startling you, you felt a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"Sweet dreams, L/n." Alexander spoke softly.

Now you didn't know what to think.


I am simping for a character who only had like a minute of screentime.
what is wrong with me. Expect more oneshots for this guy along with Hunter because help me.

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