★ random 12 ? ★

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if toh wasn't for kids hunter would be the one to make dirty jokes, change my mind.

anyways hi I'm updating because I'm sick and can't go to school (which is fine by me)


~ he walked up to you one day and asked "hey what if my name was Cornelius"

~ if you hand him a full soda can, he will have downed it within three minutes

~ Hunter calls random inanimate objects his children, and will present them to you randomly saying "oh did you ever meet our kid? Meet them!" and then hand you something

~ sweatpants and hoodies are holy beings to him

~ he likes it when you hold himmm

~ if it becomes public that you're dating hunter, you end up receiving lots of hate from people on the isles who think they should get him. It can be overwhelming and when there's lot of it you panic and need to be away from everyone.


I'm gonna rewatch s2 of toh today because what else am I gonna do with my life lmao
thanks for reading!

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