★ spiderman au ★

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Eh what the hell, I'll update this I have some ideas
I also watched every song Spiderman movie over winter break but I'll be basing this one off of tobey Maguire's spiderman but y'know, different

you're spiderman, he's mj cuz screw gender roles

• you were kind of a nobody teen guard, but you had a big time crush on someone in the emperor's coven.
The golden guard himself.

• he didn't really know you existed until after you got bit by the spider, when you caught him and his lunch one day at the castle

• but he also saw you as your alter ego, spider-witch, and fell in love with spider-witch

• he basically hired you to be his bodyguard, which sucked for your daytime job, and it was determined you weren't doing magic when you shot webs so they really couldn't petrify you or anything

• he didn't even pay you like seriously this was incredibly inconvenient

• hunter confided a lot in you, and you fell even harder for him

• when you shared things about you, he also fell even more

• you learned each other's boundaries, but it was inevitable that one day he'd see your face

• just it was when Steve was firing you from your daytime job as a guard, and he was sobbing so hunter came to see what's up

• "I ...I have to ban them from the castle...!" Steve cried. "My found family, banished!"

"Give me their name." Hunter sighed.

• he got your name

• then he was really confused why spider-witch didn't show up and y'know, be a therapis— bodyguard

• luckily he's smart and connected the dots quickly

• now, all he had to do was find you.


{ thanks for reading
next up is a west side story au 

- hunter. }

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