★ a,,, a oneshot??? surprising ★

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it's technically a scenario???
idk but you're a 16yr old who joined the emperor's guard and today is a test day to prove you can be a guard.
I wish my motivation would go for my requests instead but n o p e.
it was this picture that motivated me;

it was this picture that motivated me;

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You... you were a favorite of Steve's. He allowed you to join the Emperor's Guard, illegally, understanding that you needed to get food and this was the last resort.

He personally took you under his wing, teaching you everything and encouraging you through the tougher obstacles of training.

Today, though, was the yearly test for all the guards, and it was your first one.

The older ones patted your back and spoke comfortingly, knowing it was your first time going through this.

However, you weren't scared. You'd went over this with Steve like a million times.

Everyone lined up, standing stock-still in the castles courtyard. You were nestled in the middle of the trope, unoticable.


Everything had gone smoothly so far, finishing everything in the middle. At some point, Steve had been joined by The Golden Guard, something that had made everyone shiver.

Now, it was time for the final part of this test, two on two fights.

You were paired with a girl, never bothered to learn her name. With the mask and armor on, you all looked the same.

What made this more anxiety-raising, was that the fights happened in front, the crowd watching you on one side, Steve and Hunter on the other. It made you feel a bit more vulnerable.

"Ready...Set...Fight!" Steve blew a whistle, and you darted off, finding the best vantage point to attack.

You had been in the Construction Track before you dropped out, and from the raging plants growing everywhere, you assumed your fighting partner had been in the plants track.

While making spikes rise and shoot at your opponents and a shield to cover you and the other girl, it was noticed that Hunter was keeping an eye on you.

It had been something you noticed for a split second since you were launched into the air by an abomination the next. feeling sweat drip on you face and not being able to wipe it made you very uncomfortable, and you had been launched rather high, so you knew you were going unconscious for this.

Instead of making it seem like you were giving up, you made a tiny magic circle and made a bed of sand rise so it wouldn't hurt too badly...but your fight partner made cactuses grow in it just before you landed.

All you felt was pain.

Quickly after that, your team lost the fight. Being stuck in cactuses required medical attention, so everyone got a 15 minute break so Steve could get needles out of you.

Hunter walked up to the bed of sand and cactuses, grabbed you by the hood, and practically tossed you out. You sat up on the grass and groaned.
Everything hurt.

Steve ran up and knelt beside you, plucking the needles out one by one.

"This is the teen that you begged to become a guard?" Hunter started, looking down on you. "I thought that they'd be at least a little bit stronger, not get distracted so easily. Belos would be very disappointed in you, Steve. Even Lilith could pick out a better guard than you."

Steve let out a sad sigh, but Hunter wasn't done.

"It's actually kind of funny that you thought you could sneak them in without realizing that someone would notice they're only sixteen. It's quite obvious once you hear their voice." He twirled the one lock of hair in front of his face around his finger. "Once I heard their name, I did look up their files. Y/n L/n, Hexside drop-out. Their only saving grace is that they're cute."

Steve paused for a second at Hunter's last sentence, fighting his protective dad mode. Steve considered you the child he never had, and hearing a boy call you cute was something he didn't like, but he couldn't interrupt. You, meanwhile, blushed with embarrassment.

Hunter grinned. "Yup, their cuteness is the only reason I'm not bringing this up to Belos. L/n, meet me at the castle gardens later, byee!"

Hunter waved and walked off, a grin and blush resting on his face.

"He just asked me out." You mumbled aloud, surprised.

"And I'm forbidding it to happen." Steve replied.


I was really tired when I wrote this, so if there's any grammar mistakes, please point them out so I can fix it!!

thanks for reading

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