★ drabble ★

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"it's hun—ter."

"fine, hun."

"no its— did you just pet name me?"


"What's with that grin?! I'm gonna tell Steve that you have a crush now for doing that."

"No please don't!"

"Aw, why not?"

"He'll ground me for three weeks! I'm not supposed to date until I'm 18."

"...You're blushing really hard. It's adorable."

"Oh shut— huh? Hunter, this room is huge, why are you like an inch away from my face—"


"Did you just kiss me?!"


"No wonder him and Luz are such great friends. If what Amity told me is true, then they do the exact same thing after basically confessing. How cute!

"Hehe, I love him so much."


thanks for reading!
there's an annoying author's ramble after this that you can just ignore.

idk why this pissed me off so much, but it did. I saw a fanfic that put hunter and edric in an arranged marriage to make them meet and fall in love or whatever, when if you wanna be accurate, you would've picked Emira because arranged marriages are typically done to produce an heir between two high-class families, and always man/woman.
The person writing that fanfic had a good plot idea, sure, but it's not that accurate ;-;
like they could've made it an arranged marriage between hunter and emira, but instead hunter falls for edric and abandons the marriage (and then emira dates viney or smth like that) cuz that would've been more accurate.

lmao sorry for this stupid rant I'm just a huge nerd.

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