And soon  They started arguing.

Ah!!! Just shut your mouths. And you I pointed at sana and added you get out of here and never ever put your feet in my office. Did you get it? Huh?

But ju-

I said GET OUT!

K-ok I am get going.

She gave jimin a hard glare.

When she finally left. Jimin started her complains about her.

Stop jimin. "Look jimin , you already knew that i just fucking hate her. And what was that? "

"What? "

"What did you said sorry for disturbing us? What was that? "

"Well, I thought you guys were talking about something important that's why. "he gave a teasing look which I hates the most.

"If you like to tease her that much then why don't you purpose her and marry her indeed.
isn't it good idea. "

"Whattt!!!no way it will never going to happening untill I die. And who is going to marry a bitch like her.And Why do you taking me in this matter? "

"Its feels disgusting right? Then stop teasing me using her name ok? "

"Okkk"He said and rolled his eye

"Let's stop this topic and focus on work but why did you came? "

Hah! I have to tell you Mr. Kim Seokjin wants hold a meeting with you.

"Really? Yes he finally agreed. I will reach in time. "


𝗝𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝗣𝗢𝗩:-

"Wanna have some coffee? "Taehyung said as entered my cabin smiling like a chid.

"No! I have some work to do

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"No! I have some work to do. "

"Ohh! Okk, what work and why these papers have fallen on your desk?" He said leaning on wall

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"Ohh! Okk, what work and why these papers have fallen on your desk?" He said leaning on wall.

"This paper, this files are profiles of candidates who wants to apply for job in our company. "I said while arranging the files.

"Hmm, now what are you going to do?"

" I am going to throw these in Dustbin."

"But why? " He said coming near me.

"Because, I think they are not capable for the job. I have not selected them . that's why. But I have selected one candidate. "

"Who? "

A female candidate. You must see her qualifications they are really appreciatable. See I handed him the file.

"She is very beautiful "

"I have given this not to see her beauty but her qualifications. "

Y-Yes, I saw that, they are brilliant. When she is going to join our company. He said with wide smile.

"To- wait a minute, why are getting so excited? "

"No I am not, just asking. "

"Well, she will be joining from tomorrow onwards. "

Hmm, now put your work aside and come to drink coffee.

"You go , I will be coming. "

He nodded and left.

I took her profile file. And said

"Welcome in advance in our company" and smiled.


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"Ahh~ coming I put her file on my desk and

Left my cabin.

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