chapter 26

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TW drug use (cocaine. Adhd pills, sleeping pills), screaming, swearing, suicide thoughts, overdosing, depression, relapsing,
Mental breakdown, alcohol, violence, suicide attempt,

Pov. Velvet

Using this stuff is killing me but feeling this euphoric is absolutely wonderful.

I feel like I could run a marathon, no , atleast like five of them. And then I would just kiss Ant on the mouth, like really.

Just taking his face and smashing it against mine.

And with rose watching, this fucking bitch of a girl.


Like yes he's extremely handsome and stuff but he's MINE.

But why would that matter anyway? I feel great!

Is it the Crack I just snorted? PROBABLY!!

But this is worth the relapse.

Yeah, I've been sober for about half a year now. And honestly? I was proud of myself.



I say in an energetic tone as I let myself fall over into my sheets.

Pov: Anthony

The party is going GREAT.

Nearly no one has left yet, the alcohol is still half full and not one soul has vomited on the couch yet either.

" Hey Ant, want another drink?"

"Nah thanks I don't want to get totally wasted, still have to clean after all this shit too.."

I look around, searching for a game I can join or people I can talk to.

But the only games played are 7 minutes in heaven, spin the bottle and who can throw up first.

My friends are either partizipating in the actives I've just mentioned or are having conversations with people I'm not friends with.

For example George who has found some other nerds is standing in a corner talking, but where is Velvet?

I haven't seen him since about two hours now and usually when he backs up from a party like this he's relapsing, which is really bad.

I feel a strong force from behind and my t-shirt gets wet.

"Oh, sorry dude"

I look at the guy who just crashed fully into me, with a glass filled to the brim with beer.

"It's fine, I'll just change.."

And then I can also look for velv.

Pov: Velvet

I can hear footsteps going up the stairs.

I know the exact sound, it's Anthony.

Gosh please just do not come into my room.

"Hey velv?"


I  know that he will immediately notice that I took shit.

Like I'm already one and a half bags deep, plus some pills I think are for ADHD and sleeping pills too.

Right, I took sleeping pills.

I reach over to the desk and pour myself a glass of rum.

I'd rather die then him seeing me like this.

After Chugging it down  I quickly try to clean up my mess, that leading to me getting cocain everywhere on the bed.

Then the pills work and everything goes extremely dark.

Pov: Anthony

"Hey Velv."

No awnser.



I try to open the door but it's locked, which is a really, really bad sign.

"Velvet open the door... OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR"

Screaming at someone who's having a breakdown is bad, I know. But if he won't open the door this will lead to him overdosing, if he hasn't already.

"Yo was up I heard screaming everything ok?"

Hbomb is running up the stairs to me, looking confused as fuck, and also very much drunk.

"I think Velvet is relapsing."

His face turns into a more concerned look now.


Velvet and H had a history of alcohol and drug abuse, I mean they literally met in a mental hospital.

"Eh.. he can't..."

Both have relapsed a couple of times in the time I knew them but h held up better then velv normally.

"We have to.."

I feel bad for involving him in this situation because it could trigger him too.

"We have to break the door in."

"But, we can't! I mean-"


"I do.. but.."


"OK. But you have to promise.."

I breathe in.

" That if we see him.. If we see him you know what that you won't do the same and start taking again, please."

"What do you think of me."

And he pushes me away to open the door himself.


This is a reminder to never mix sleeping pills and alcohol I'llend really bad! :D

Here's also a reminder that you are 100% worth it and you don't have to prove anything to be <33

I love you people more then anything.

Goodbye for now lovelies <3

Until next chapter :)

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