chapter 15

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Tw: Self Harm, Panic Attack

Pov: Dream

I sit up and George looks at me in confusion.

So he pulls me back down.

"What are you doing?"


"I ehm."

I pause for a second. I have to think of a lie.


"My dad will be mad if I come home to late."

What a lie my dad isn't even home until Thursday.

"Oh ok."

I stand up and he does the same.

"So I guess we move forward?"


The snow is now even messier and you can barely see the hand infrot of your eyes.

But George doesn't seem to mind.

He knows the way.

"Oh by the way I met your father today. He drove Tommy and me home."

Shit, why did he meet him? That wasn't supposed to happen.

"He was.. interesting.."

"Yeah he's an asshole."

And with my last words the conversation is over and we're at my door.

"Oh well it was.. nice to talk to you. See you tomorrow!"

"Yeah see ya!"

I open the cold icy door into the warm should be welcoming hallway.

But it's my house.

The house I was born in.

The house I get beaten up every day.

I hate it here.


I'm on my way Home and think about the things that happened.

Dream was acting kinda weird at the end but maybe I was just paranoid.

But what if not? Did he thought it was weird? Did I do something wrong?

I caught myself overthinking again. I sigh and open the door to my house.

After all I was pretty lucky when it comes to my financial situation. My Parents where kinda rich and since there wasn't any other heir I got nearly all their Money (Tommy got some to)

The warm Home welcomed me as I walked in.

Tommy layed on the couch, sleeping and watching some show.

I had to smile at that sight. I am so lucky to have Tommy in my life I don't think I would even be here without him...

Pov: Dream

Tears were streaming down my face. I tried to control it but it wouldn't stop.

I'm trying to think of something but everything seems blur. I can't breathe. I think I'm going to die.

Why do I have to be like this? A complete failure, a worthless bully, a useless son, a stupid brother, a bad friend.

Everything would be better if I would be gone.

Everyone would be happier.

Without thinking I take the knife from my desk.

I don't even try to think about if I should do it.

The cold blade cuts my wrist. It hurts but feels so good at the same Time. The bittersweet feeling runs through my body. Blood starts to drip from my wrist onto the floor but I find it hard to care.

How could I ever let it come that far?

Pov: George

I lay in my Bed and stare at the ceiling. Like I did the last few hours.

Tommy is sleeping in his Room. I picked him up and brought him there. He didn't even flinch.

The last hours I was extremely overthinking and now I'm sure I made dream uncomfortable.

I'm also pretty sure that it was the Moment he fell on top of me.

Even though it wasn't my fault I still feel so fucking guilty.

My Phone vibrates.

Hey Man, thank you for today I enjoyed it :)

Yeah, it was very cool we should
Do it again sometimes :D

True, well good night I'm going to sleep now just wanted so say that really quick.


The Messages from Velvet gave me an Idea.

I go to Dreams Chat and text him.

Hey, I kinda just wanted
To apologize if I made
You uncomfortable in any
Way today but I still wanted to thank you for today :)

Pov: Dream

But I know this feeling wouldn't last forever. The bittersweet feeling I've had just Moments ago formed into extrem guilt.

"What have I done" I whisper to myself.

My Phone Vibrates. I struggle if I should look at the message because I've just had a Mental brake down but then I decided to just do it.

It was a Message from George.

Hey, I kinda just wanted
To apologize if I made
You uncomfortable in any
Way today but I still wanted to thank you for today :)

Wow, he actually sounds genuine.

Don't apologize George! I've
really enjoyed the time with
you I just was worried because
of my dad, yk?

You sure that's all? I really don't want to pressure you into anything but
u looked really sad

I thought for a moment. Should I say the truth? Not the whole truth of course. Normally I wouldn't but something about George just lets me think my secrets would be safe with him.

After a Minute or two I start to type my Answer...

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