chapter 14

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Pov: George

Now I'm standing alone in the cold.

Alone with Dream.

I look over to him and he's looking at me too.

I blush.

Wait why am I blushing??

It's not like I'm making eye contact with some cute girl. I'm making eye contact with Dream! My Bully of 2 years!!

He walks over to me.

"Wannna go home together? Our houses are in the same direction and I thought maybe-"

"Yeah sure."

I cut the tall blonde of and proceed to make the first steps on the snowy path. Dream follows me and catches up.

The flakes are big and heavy. It has to be under 0 degrees because now that the tall boy is caught up to me wich wasn't hart since I couldn't walk fast on the icy and snowy track, I could see his havy but slow breaths.

The town that was now completely covered in the white snow was beautiful.

Children where playing on the frozen streets and the lake in-between the high apartment buildings was overflowing with kids ice-skating on it. There where snowballfights and parents helping there children building snow families.

It was magical.

Then Dream started talking...

"Isn't it amazing?"

I looked at him.

"I mean the whole city is out to play in the snow. It's really sad that it won't last long. Tomorrow or the day after this all will be over.."

The blonde looks sad and to be honest I don't blame him. I love snow. When my Dad was still with us we used to fly to Norway for the winter so we could ski and do all the things you do on a snowy day.

But then he died and now Tommy and me are stuck in the constantly hot Florida. It's a shame...

I feel something cold.

"Ha gotcha!"

I turn to clay that is reaching for another hand of the shimmery freezing white.

I do the same and I am in fact faster.

I guess he didn't expect to feel the same freez as I did.


Now I am the one getting hit.

"Ha gotcha!"

Is he mocking me??

Not for long.

I throw a really big one at him and it lands straight on his head.

"Oh you're dead!"

"Not if you keep throwing baby snowballs you little baby!"

And shortly after I find myself in a snowball fight for live and death.

Seeing him smile is really the best thing. His cheeks flush red every time and his little giggles warm my heart. (Gosh that's gay)

His brown hair is hanging in his brown eyes but he doesn't care. George is way more interested in killing me with his snow that's formed into a ball.

One smashes right into my face and I fall to the ground. Or I whish couse I don't fall to the ground but into the cute boy infront of me.


I'm on top of him. This is soooo awkward.

And I feel something inside me..fluttering?





Pov: George

I hit him in his dump face and he falls.. on top of me????!

We both lay on the ground and I can tell that I'm blushing like it's a hot ass summer day.

Except it's not.

Except I'm laying under a boy.

In the middle of the park.

But he is blushing too so it's ok.



We've been laying like this for a while now and it's just getting more and more weird over the time!!

"Ehm I uh eh sorr- mhmm.. "

Finally he opens his mouth.


I burst out laughing and push him off of me into the snow.

We now both completely lose it and lay in the cold snow.

We are probably looking like a high school couple right now but I don't care.

The only thing I care about is that maybe me and my Bully who made me live a living hell actually could become buddies..or more then that...


What the hell me?!

Nothing wrong with being gay but holy shit not with literally the straightest guy in history!

But I have to say this moment is beautiful.

I want this to last forever.


I'm so sorry for the lack of updates! Mental Health is so bad right now :/
Sam <33

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