chapter 20 !!!!

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TW: Little smut???

Pov: Dream

The snow is cold and icy on my exposed skin .

I didn't prepare to stand in the snow for more then 10 minutes..

I reach for my phone which is in the left pocket of my jacked and unlock it.

The first thing I see are dozen of messages and calls from my parents but I ignore them.

It's clear that the hospital or school or both contacted my authorities but I don't care I need someone that doesn't scream at me right now.

And that someone is George.

" Hey George, can you pick me up?"

My hands freeze and my mind spins.

I just wrote that.

Why do I feel safer with him, the guy I bullied, rather then my friends of I don't know 15 years?

But George has this.. energy? I can't describe it but his shy, but still happy and outgoing personality is just addicting..

I want him to be the first person to see me.

Not Karl, Alex or even Sapnap.

Just him.


Pov. George

I rush to the hospital.

I couldn't care less for school or anything else. Hell if the president or fucking Jesus would visit the town I wouldn't care, all that was on my mind was getting to Clay.

I don't even have my jacked on and the scarf that I trew over my shoulder is flowing in the wind.

There it is, the white building with a big red cross on it.

And in front, standing a man with a black coat.

"DREAM" I scream so loud the whole town must heard but like I said I couldn't care less.

The blond looks up and starts moving towards me, And just then I can see that he's in a wheelchair.

My eyes swell and my blood freezes.

I wasn't prepared to see him like this.

"I'm so sorry I-"

"Hey its OK, you didn't know.."

Dream interrupts me and smiles.

"I'm fine, see! I'm already out the hospital! The doctors said that it wasn't a serious coma case that's why I'm out this soon!"

I want to be happy, I really do, but looking at him in his chair makes me sick. He doesn't deserve this, no one does.

Pov: Dream

I can sense that George is not doing well with seeing me in this conditions but I can't change that.

And I know that my parents are hella mad at me for all this.

And that my friends are so worried and I still chose to call up the Loser, rather then any of them.

This is bad, I know that, but I had to.

My hips still hurt a little and my vision isn't clear.

I feel like passing out but can't because that would worry the cute guy infront of me even more.

"So what now?" The brunettes voice is quite and whiny.

"You don't seem like you want to go home."

He's right.

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