We enter a fancy study spotting Salieri leaning on a desk while scrolling on a tablet and turns his head towards us, especially Salieri's eyes instantly land on me and sticks.

He smirks and then began walking toward us "Go get the car ready" He tells T beside me.

What for?

"Of course" We're finally left alone. I'm nervous now because this is where our new arrangement starts and find out what's gonna happen to me.

"Your tattoos are displaying perfectly and have you found my particular one yet?" His provoking tone made me clench my fists

"No" I remain calm

His smirk is badgering me

"You will soon. So we have a problem-"

I look at him "So me stealing from you isn't it?"

My remark made him glance at me with a sharp glare and I quickly reverted my eyes to the floor letting him finish.

"Your father is becoming a real nuisance lately"

Panic sets in and I stare at Salieri wide-eyed "What did you do to him!?" I exclaim in anger involuntarily clenching his shirt into my fists forcing him down to my level.

"You better not have hurt my father because of me!! If you got a problem, hurt me instead but not him!" I grit in anger and Salieri was not fazed by my fury as he unattached my hands from his shirt and then suddenly pushes me back real hard,

I yelped landing on a chair saving me from a harsh fall.

He glares leaning down, caging me in the chair. His eyes dark eyes burn into mine "Dont you dare do that again so quit fucking testing me, Aletheia" We stare while glaring at each other, I hated him! I wish I could slap his face once more.

This time, I leaned forward bringing our faces closer, and Salieri looked slightly surprised

"Okay, Donovan" My voice glided out ever so enticingly. His lips parted as he abruptly stood straight - I saw something flash through his eyes but he turned before I could read it.

Salieri clears his throat "As I was saying, Your father knows something is wrong and he knows you didn't make it to Greece which makes our deal change so... You will be visiting him today-"

Happiness filled me as I stood "Really!?"

"Don't even think im doing this for your benefit, Aletheia because that's not the goal... Three times a week you will visit your father from five to six to sustain a tolerant presence so his suspicion will not accumulate more and by doing this - there will be additional rules such as you will keep your mouth shut and never leave Mine our Tony's sight, if you think of running I swear to God, Aletheia your mother and dad will be the result of your actions, do you understand me?"

Surprisingly enough I did, I didn't mind seeing my father on weekdays but what mattered most is keeping my parents safe and that meant becoming a slave for Salieri just as long no one dies.

And I'll accept whatever torment Salieri has to offer, It's my fault why I'm here and I need to owe up to my stupid mistakes.

"Yes," I accepted my fate, my new tattoos, and life.

Salieri has his teeth stuck into me after all, I'm ready to endure the venomous poison swirling through my veins.

"Good now let's go" He yanked my bicep forcing us out of his office but the downfall is lying to my father's face and that I hated.

We approach my father's clinic that he build from the ground up, Dad became a dentist in his late twenties and ever since he became quite successful, potential people in the city love going to him for dental work and since I'm his daughter, I have excellent teeth.

I internally smile proudly.

Pun set aside, I was knocked out of my thoughts hearing the car doors slam after I got out. Oh God, I wonder how my fathers gonna react? Probably gonna go all hen house on me.

"This is the place?" Salieri asks once beside me along with his friend, Tony. I should have guessed that would be his name.

"Yes, he should be in the back" I answer enjoying the fresh air. It was nice to get away from my solitary for the time being.

"Alright lead the way" He nudges me forward. I roll my eyes entering the clinic with them following.

I'm nervous, The clinic doesn't open until eight and we're here an hour early, I remove my coat as Salieri advised me to placing it on the coat rack. I only wear one black leather glove with the knuckles cut out to mask my broken finger that Salieri bandaged before we left the house.

I literally didn't look like myself and that's one of the things my father will notice right away.

We approach his office door as I knocked a few times then a few seconds later the door flew open revealing my father in the buff, He looks down at me with wide eyes.

"Hey papa" I smile nervously

"Aletheia" Papa immediately engulfed me into a bone-crushing huge hearing him inhale my scent.

"My daughter where have you been?" He sounds so relieved and the last time we saw each other it wasn't exactly delightful, I frowned pulling away.

"Listen, dad-"

"What did you do to your skin!?" He exclaims in shock pointing to my collarbone.

"I-I-Its a long story-"

"You've been gone for days, having your mother and I worry and now you return with ink on your body-" He glimpses at my outfit "Clothes that don't suit you... My daughter returns but im not really looking at her so I deserve an explanation here, Aletheia" He's upset which I excepted.

I'm tongue-tied here, what can I say? I never thought to think of a story!

"It was my fault"

Oh, God! Salieri spoke up emerging from around the corner looming towards us, Both men stare impassively at each other.

What's he up to?

"I know you, Donovan Salieri right?" Dad narrowed his eyes. My brows furrow in confusion

Salieri nods "Yes" Suddenly I froze in shock when I felt his arm wrap around my waist, Oh God, oh God!

I tense and dad notices too

"Yeah, I once did bridge work on your father, God rest his soul," Dad says without any sorrow. These men are bringing serious tension to this room.

"Thank you and the reason being for Aletheia's absence is because she was worried about what you'd think-" Salieri started and dad looked confused

"Excuse me?" He glances between us

I'm at loss for words, They were stuck in my throat

"Aletheia and I have been seeing each other, she's been staying at my mansion. Isn't that right kitten?" I felt his fingers grab and tilt my chin towards him and what gave me the shock of my life is when he...

Kissed me fully on the lips


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