The wolves, sensing their master's uncertainty, let out a growl, some even barked. It was the first instinct of the servants to scare their prey into submission and invoke courage into the hearts of their masters.

They would have succeeded too when Lucy suddenly let out an even inhuman growl. Her teeth strongly gnashed against one another creating a disturbing sound. It was not the sound a human should have made. It sounded like a feral beast instead.

The voice that escaped from her lips was so strong that it made the wolves shy back in fear as their masters were only discouraged further. Lucy slowly lowered herself, ready to pounce at the moment of weakness.

"L-lucy?" A whisper suddenly cut Lucy back to reality from her bloodlust as she turned to see Emma and the child. The two looked relieved as well as afraid when Lucy saw their eyes.

"Get out of here." Lucy hissed as she turned back to face the monsters.

Firmly placing herself between Emma and the monsters, Lucy guarded with vigil eyes at every movement they made. "Y-your eyes, why are they-" "This is not the time! Get out of here now!" Lucy snapped, louder this time as her patience was growing thinner by the moment.

It was then Lucy felt power died inside of her. ...Damn it Lucy cursed as the well of power inside her had finally dried up. Her amber eyes slowly reverted back to sapphire as Lucy turned back to the monster behind her. Dashvha had finally come to take its toll.

Lucy suddenly felt sluggish as the whole world around her turned dull as power left her body weak and normal. Seeing her eyes revert to sapphire, the monsters slowly grew more confident as they slowly approached Lucy.

Lucy lowered into a stance as she prepared to defend Emma and the child. Emma finally snaps out of her daze and begins to run again with the child in her arms. The monster's eyes shifted towards the nun as she fled in fear.

The scent seemed to arouse them once more as they began to move in earnest. Lucy grabbed the rusted ax from the fallen monster before hurling it directly towards one of the wolves. The wolf manages to avoid the incoming weapon but falls dead as Lucy throws another one.

The rider was thrown off in front of Lucy. It tried to regain its balance, but Lucy was having none of it. The former captain moved with the confidence and alacrity seen only through veterans as she grabbed its jaw and forehead firmly before twisting it in a single jerky motion.

The monster fell silent as its head twisted in the opposite direction. "TUVAK SHRA!" One of the monsters inhumanly cried in anger as it rushed for Lucy. The wolf opens its maw, revealing several sharp teeth that aimed at her neck. The wolf closed the distance before snapping.

The monster smiled for a moment, petting its steed in satisfaction before it abruptly changed to surprise. Lucy manages to grab onto one of the fallen monster's bodies as it serves as her shield. The wolf tried to gnaw past the body but failed as its bone and sinew proved to be a hindrance.

Lucy glared at the two in silence as she reaches for a weapon beside her. The wolf tries to bite through again and again, gaining distance ever so close to Lucy's head. Come on... Lucy frowns in frustration as her free hand keeps searching for a weapon.

The rider seemed to have enough as it raised its ax high. ...Finally! Lucy thought in relief as her hand finally found something. Lucy pulled the weapon free just in time as the monster brought its ax low.

The monster's eyes widen in pain as a spear pierce through the throat of its wolf and reaches its heart. The thing vomited in blood as Lucy twisted her spear free before the blood touched her. She manages to land several paces away from the two as five more encircled around her.

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