"Sister...Rose?" Lucy silently whispered as if trying to confirm whether she was real or not. "!!! Sister Lucy what is wrong with your hands?!" Rose exclaimed as Lucy only realizes now the stinging pain from her hands.

When she turned to look at them, Lucy was surprised to see scratches all over her hands. It was as if a wild animal were clawing its way towards her bone. "Let me see it!" Rose exclaimed as she hurriedly examined Lucy's hands before mending them back slowly with her healing.

The emerald glow stings her hands as it reknits the teared-up skin to its original places. "I-I am fine sister-" "No you are not. Just hold still." Rose did not allow any excuse Lucy was about to explain as she continues to mend her wound.

"There, that should do for a while." Rose said as Lucy pulled back her now smooth and healed hands from her grip. "...Thank you..." Lucy weakly replied as she hurriedly tries to flee away from Rose. "What about that?" Rose said as she pointed down her still soiled clothes.

Lucy seemed to forget about her clothing for a moment as Rose snatched her hands while in her confused state. "You can't go back being dirty like that. Here let me help you." Rose said as she tries to remove Lucy's button.

"I-I can do it on my own." Lucy replied in embarrassment as she firmly gripped her clothes in place. Rose stared Lucy for a moment before replying softly. "Lucy, I am only trying to help you. You still have a hard time in those clothes yes? Please, just let me help you." Rose softly whispered as she tries to calm down Lucy.

Lucy shook her head firmly as she gathered her words to reply. "I can do it on my own." Rose stared at her eyes for a moment before sadly smiling. "Very well then. I'll just bring spare clothes for you." Rose softly whispered as she left Lucy in the river alone.


Lucy softly knocked on the clinic's door where she had been just 1 month prior. "Come in." A soft whisper replied her knocking as she calmly took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. "Sister Emma." Lucy whispered as Emma nodded with a tired smile.

"How is she?" Lucy whispered as Emma turned back towards the little girl who was sleeping comfortably now in a fresh and clean set of spare clothes. "She's... honestly I am surprised how she manages to live on despite these bruises.

It will take some time, but it will be only a matter of time before she can stand back on her feet." Emma softly replied as she turned back to Lucy. A cold sweat escaped from her brow as Emma's eyes says it all. "Please, take a sit sister Lucy. No need to stand still over there" Lucy complied without a word as she nervously sinks down on the chair.

"Do you happen to know her name?" Emma asked as she gently brushed the hair of the sleeping child. "So-sorry. I couldn't get her name." Emma silently nodded back in reply as she continues to caress the girl's hair so lovingly.

"I see. That is sadly unfortunate." Emma muttered as she turned back to Lucy. "But... I believe we have other pressing matters to attend to." Emma said as her gaze returned back to Lucy. It wasn't stern nor was it gentle, but it made Lucy squirm more than she liked to admit.

Silence enveloped the two as Emma's watchful eyes did not allow Lucy to escape. "...Would you mind to tell me now Lucy?" Emma soft but firmly asked as Lucy gulped down her throat before speaking. "...There was... an accident on my way back..." Lucy explained.

"I... accidentally made a wrong turn and found this child here... was being dragged by someone she does not know." Emma's eyes widen as Lucy continues. "I... I could not simply abandoned her and... and broke off into a fight." Lucy steeled herself as she whispered the next words.

The Silent HeirOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora