Extra 001: High Prince Kier POV

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Lady Emma suddenly pale when I said those words. "Are you not well my lady?" I asked, concern that she might be sick I reach out to her... but she suddenly pulled back. I did not know what to do so I awkwardly pulled my hand back.

It was... unpleasant? I don't know I just... I don't like how she reacted. "There is no need for you to worry young prince, I am still well." She quickly added in when she noticed my expression but frankly, I am more concern to this rising gut feeling I have.

It is like an animal instinct. I can feel it but... Im not sure what it is... "...Have I done something wrong to you my lady?" I carefully ask just in case she- wait... what was that? It was for a split second but I swear I saw something flicker across her face.

"Did I perhaps done you wrong in any way without me knowing my lady?" I said as I tried to control my voice. I was beginning to grow anxious. Just what is this feeling?? Something bad is going to happen right? But what is it??

"No young prince, that is not it... but I do have a request to you young prince." Oh thank Gods it wasn't it. She must have grow wary of my stares right? I should ask just in case and apologize in after. "Please do tell." I happily answered, thinking crisis was averted... Gods was I wrong.

"Please annul our engagement your highness."

"A-annul our engagement??"

What? What the fuck? WHAT?? This news is like a hammer suddenly hitting at the back of my head. I did not know what to say... but I know something must be done. I have to fix this quickly! "I'm afraid that cannot be done my lady. Only your father and mine could decide-"

"I think it would prove most beneficial for you and the royal family to engage the dukedom of the east instead. They have a stable and fairly low trade rate, a growing naval might that would prove instrumental to the empire's defense, and most crucial of them all, they are one of the three leading bread basket of the empire.

Compared to the north, we are sorely lacking in other branches save for the military. You are trading rough iron for silver and gold. It is only stands to reason that you dropped this engagement now and-" "Stop! Just... just wait a minute my lady." I can't believe what I'm hearing. Did she actually planned for all of this??

I already know all of this. My mother and I argued about it for so long. Always power, always benefits, just when can I do something I love?! And now... and now even you?? I have to stop this! I have to! There must be something I can use! Something that would change her mind! But what is it?? Think Kier! Think!.... ah.

"I understand the perspective you are trying to offer me my lady, but... but I did not choose this engagement for purely benefits. I...I choose this because of the promise we've made!" I remember our promise, you didn't forgot it... did you?

Just why are you like this? Tell me what is wrong so I can help you! I don't understand. I just don't understand! Why is she suddenly... wait... it's not... no it can't be... "...Do you perhaps don't want me my lady?" It's not right? It has to be a mistake... right?...

Her calm demeanor suddenly shattered like glass as if it was all an illusion and it was replaced by a cold, uncaring one instead. She looked so calm just a moment ago but why is she suddenly glaring daggers at me??

No, calm down Kier. You are a high prince for crying out loud. I need to examine this properly. "I-I apologize if I had done anything wrong my lady. Though may I ask what you have found most displeasing so I may better oneself?"

"May I be blunt with you young prince?"

Please, anything. Say anything at all and help me understand. I have to know why are you looking at me like that.

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