The thing was soft and squishy, but it was also something annoying as it tries to resist her grip. It flailed like an animal being skinned alive as she hit Emma again and again. It only worsen the situation as her grip further tightens.

Her hazy mind was still adjusting from just waking up as she blinked several times in confusion. When the haze cleared and her mind went lucid, Emma stared down in surprise as several scream rang loudly in her ears.

"My lady please have mercy! Please my lady show some mercy!" Several of the maids tried to pull Emma away from the maid beneath her. Fear and panic plagued those eyes as Emma's hand were choking the life out of her without realizing it.

The maid was struggling hard as Emma's gripped proved far stronger than what it seemed. Emma reluctantly let go of the grip as the two were separated with haste. Emma blinked listlessly as the maid hurriedly retreated in fear.

"What just happened?" Emma asked the maids beside her. They all flinched for a moment as Emma's frown furrow deeper at the movement. "Y-you were having a nightmare my lady and when D-diana tried to wake you up..." One of the maid whispered as Emma nodded in understanding.

I attacked her huh?... Emma thought to herself as she continues to observed the situation at hand. "So? What were you doing here in the first place? I thought I made it clear no one enters my room without permission?" Emma asked as the maid shifted uncomfortably.

"H-his highness will visit later this afternoon my lady." Emma flinched as she tries to bury the nightmare deep within her memory. "W-we thought you already knows this, so we entered your room as we please. We deeply apologize if-" "Enough." Emma whispered as the maid stopped.

"...I will let this one go this one time, but never again will any of you enter my room without notice. Am I understood?" The maids bowed their heads in reply as Emma frown deepens. "...And you." "Hiek!" The maid Emma choked, Diana, yelp in fear as her eyes regarded Emma like a monster.

The young maid did not realized the damage she had done then as she was terrified at the moment. For Emma, it had forcibly revived terrible memories. Filthy wretch! My son died because of you! It should have been you! The screams began to grow louder but was abruptly cut off as Emma bit her lip. Hold it in. Hold. It. In.

The maids who were present did not, or rather, could not utter a word when they saw their lady's face. It did not show insulted nor anger that would normally incite after such response, but something far more painful. It was the face of the betrayed.

The mark of someone who has done everything to help but was repaid with knives and daggers instead. Anger and fear slowly died down within their chests as it was replaced with something else. There was no reason nor explanation why she had such a look, but to anyone who saw that face could only felt nothing but pity.

Diana looked back and forth between Emma and the others as she slowly pieces together what she had done. "M-my lady I-" "Nevermind." The maid tried her best to rectify the matter at hand, but it was already too late. The damage was done. "Just... just don't wake me up next time. I can do it myself." Emma said as she turned her back against the frightened and horrified maid.


"It is an honor to meet you my lady." Kier said with a smile as he greeted Emma politely. The high prince looked significantly younger and kinder than Emma was used to as he was barely 15. His golden hair and emerald eyes looked emits a strong sense of trust whoever it meets.

His pale white skin almost looked like snow as he was the most sought-after man within the empire among the noble ladies. It took great effort from Emma to control herself from straggling the man who had cause her the most suffering in her entire life.

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