I heard heavy steps and curled into myself.

"Please! Please! I can't dance! I can't!" I wailed, not looking up at my inevitable demise.

I whimpered, crying pitifully as I felt the chain be lifted and my limp body be dragged behind.

I cried out at the pain in my ankle and hissed through my teeth as branches and rocks scratched my body.

I was exhausted, my eyes fluttering closed despite the pain and fear.

I returned to consciousness with a start, I was hanging from a shoulder and looking around the old valleys in confusion.

I froze, my body beginning to shake, oh no, oh no, oh no. First giants and now orcs and trolls?! They always camp together, having a strange and peaceful alliance.

I just whimpered pathetically, to weak to move. I felt like vomiting but held strong.

"I'm not ready to die" I murmured, my body swaying limply. The one holding me grunted. We pushed through a blind to an entrance to a home or main area. I was swung off of his shoulder and hit the ground hard. My ears rang and I curled up, holding my head, embarrassing and humiliating myself in front of the orc, crying and sobbing as if I was just a baby.

Somehow that pain was the final straw the one to hurt me most of all.

I looked up as my leg was held down. The chain was tied to a post and I screamed at the sight of a hammer crashing down.

I closed my eyes and sobbed, believing my leg to be destroyed.

"The medicine giver will be in soon. Just be glad I didn't kill you out there" grumbled a gruff and hard to understand voice.

I looked up at his protruding jaw, two tusks rising from the jaw. He was tall, shorter then giants but, as trolls and orcs go, they're still far larger than humans.

I tensed as his large and rough hand landed on my head, I whimpered in terror and his fingers brushed over my face and tucked the hair behind my ears.

"Must've been a Dancer for the giants for a while. Bet you think I'm going to smash your head in over a rock. You caught me on a good day. I would have otherwise" he told me, I just sat and cried.

He seemed to laugh and staggered from the room. I looked down at my leg, expecting to see a horrible bloody and boney mess. I was confused to see just my swollen and sore ankle, the chain in pieces.

I don't get it. He didn't keep me tied up? But if he's not going to kill me, dosen't he at least want me around as slave labour? So he should have kept me tied up?

My confusion forgotten as someone entered, a tall troll, with a leather vest decorated in the teeth of predators.

They moved to me, I moved back slightly, letting out a quiet whimper of fear. Giving me a toothy grin, they dropped a large bag in front of me.

"Leg." It demanded. I have no other choice. I slowly showed my injured leg, crying out as they grabbed it roughly.

"Weak one. I'll rest the foot in cold creek water. Drink this medicine. It's gross, don't spit it out" they barked at me, I quickly grabbed the cup, having no other choice but to believe that it's medicine.

I don't understand why they haven't bashed my head in over a rock... They hate humans. I swallowed the horrible bitter medicine, my eyes tearing up again at the taste.

"You listen well. Can tell you been a Giants Dancer" they told me, I looked away, a shiver running over me.

"I'm confused, please don't think I'm trying to be rude, but I didn't think you liked humans" I muttered, wincing, ready for them to be angered by my question.

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