Seungcheol gets up and the little grandma takes a seat next to me.

Just a second later another little grandma comes.

"You can take my seat." I softly smile to the little old lady as I get up too

"Thank you." She smiles brightly and sits downs

I stand next to Seungcheol and grab on to the rail above our heads.

"I'm so tired." I breath out in a whisper

"If you want I can hold on to you as you rest your eyes." Seungcheol says unsure if that would be too awkward

"Thanks." I say before letting go of the rail and wrapping my arms around Seungcheols waist then burry my face into his chest.

Seungcheol wraps one around my body while he keeps his other hand up holding the railing.

I take a deep breath and inhale his body smell.
It smells cool like mint.

Some how I fall asleep in Seungcheols arms.

"Y/n, wake up. We're almost to our stop." Seungcheol whispers in my ear

"Mhm." I hum as I open my eyes yet stay still in Seungcheols embrace

"Stop for ___ Station." The intercom says

I pull away once I hear that since that's our stop.

"Does my hair look a mess?" I question in a sleepy voice as we walk out of the train

Seungcheol turns to look at me and smiles
"Sort of, here let me fix it." We stop so he can fix my hair. We stand facing each other.

His hands gently fix my hair as I look him in the eyes as he does so. I can feel my face slowly heating up.

Seungcheol then looks me in the eyes once he's done. We stare at each other for a few seconds before I look away.

"Thanks." I say before we start walking.

I guide the way to my house as me and Seungcheol walk out of the station.

"Thanks for letting me sleep Seungcheol." I say as I put my hands in my sweater pockets

"No problem, I'm just surprised you could sleep standing up." He softly laughs at the thought of it

"I was surprised too." I laugh "I'm glad I didn't fall and make everyone look at me like I was crazy cause that would be so embarrassing." I cringe at the thought

"Trust me I wouldn't let that happen." Seungcheol crosses his heart as he says that

"Good, I'm glad I can trust you." I smile

As I finish that sentence we arrive to my house.
I stand in front of the door.

"Thank you for walking me home and for letting me sleep on you." I say as I turn my body to look at him

"No problem and thanks for staying with me. You gave me some useful advice." Seungcheol says he follows my actions

"Well I'll see you tomorrow at school. Get home safe." I smile

"See you later, bye y/n." Seungcheol says before leaving

I watch him as he walks out of eye sight before going inside.

"Y/n, you're finally home! I was worried sick! I I texted and called you but you didn't answer. I was debating on calling the police." My mom rants as I take off my shoes

"Sorry mom but I told you I got detention." I say as I put my shoes in the closet

"Until 8?" My mom says with madness in her voice

"Well after that I helped a friend with the planning of the school dance."

"Was is that boy?" My mom questions referring to Seungcheol

I quickly avoid eye contact and purse my lips to the side "Yeah"

My mom sighs "Next time text me when you're coming back home ok?"

"Yeah got it." I say before going to my room

Once I've showered, I lay on my bed.

I grab my phone and text Ari.

Ari, you won't believe what happened!!

Ari ;)
What happened?! Tell me!!

I tell Ari everything.

Ari ;)
Dude I swear I think he might be starting to like you ;)

What? No, I highly doubt that. After years of us going to school together, we finally talked today.

Ari ;)
So that doesn't mean anything. He might be like you. You like him even though you've never talked to him.
Next Chapter Coming Up

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