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We all stood up in front of the entrance of my father's home as we waited for my aunt to come. The tension rise as we met each other's eyes.

"Whoever told her to come home is screwed." My father's voice was serious and scary. Byul, Yoongi and me, looked down on the floor as we contemplated on what to do.

"I swear to God! This is the worst thing you could all do to me! Don't you even love me! You know how much that bitch makes me go crazy!" Our mom keeps on pacing on the room, fear is evident in her actions. Her hands are shaking as she yelled at us.

"Haneul! Control yourself! She might come any minute from now." We all flinched in our spot when our father shouted at our mom.

"These kids are the worst, Yoogun! How can they do this to us? They know how much I get so stressed out when that bitch of your sister is here!" My mother fired back and suddenly the door opened. The three of us gasped when we saw who it was.

Oh no, she heard everything.

"And what do I do to you that stresses you out, Goo Haneul?" Her high heels clunk onto the tiled floor and her vibrant red lipstick shined throughout the room.

"She is my wife, Yurim. Please address her as Min Haneul." My father calmly stated as we all bowed down to her.

"Oh, I don't think she deserves to be addressed by that though." Our aunt stood tall while never letting her eyes get away from our father's.

"Aunt Yurim! Welcome back!" Byul greeted out of nowhere and she ran towards our aunt. This caused to break the tense atmosphere in our home.

I could feel my mom sighing out in relief while Byul hugged our Aunt. I immediately followed up to my sister and greeted her as well.

"Aunt Yurim, I missed you so much!" I hugged her too and she hugged me as tight as she can.

"Oh my baby, how are you? My Y/N, you didn't deserve everything that he did to you! Oh!" She kissed my cheeks while never letting go of me. I tried my best not to cry in her comforting arms.

Yoongi slowly approached us and he is finding the perfect timing to greet. However, he was met with a look that is scary and threatening.

"Welcome back, Auntie Yurim." Yoongi still greeted but he was ignored. Aunt Yurim dragged me and Byul out of the entrance and we headed inside our home.

Min's empire. The place where I grew up and treated like I was nothing.

"Yurim, aren't you going to eat dinner? Haneul prepared it specifically to your liking." My father said as we walked inside our home.

"Oh really, your mom prepared dinner?" She asked us and we both hesitated to answer. Byul and I know that my mom would never do hard labor. She is too scared that her hands could get a burn or a wound.

"No, she did not. I belive that Mrs. Gyo prepared a delicious feast for us." Yoongi answered out of nowhere and our mom immediately looked at him like she was going to kill him.

"Is that so? I think I'm going to eat for Mrs. Gyo's sake. Besides, Ms. Haneul might need a meal. She looks like she suffers from diarrhea." Auntie Yurim said casually and all of us gasped at her words. Byul, Yoongi and I tried our best not to laugh while our mother is on the verge of bursting. My father, however, is calm and collected for now.

The six of us sat on the dining room and waited for our meals to be served. My father is on the center, while my mother is on the right side facing Aunt Yurim. I was beside Aunt Yurim and Byul was beside my mother. Yoongi is beside Byul.

"How's the tournament in Russia, Aunt Yurim?" Byul asked her and we all curiously waited for her answer.

"It was great, kids right now are so skilled! There level is impeccable compared to the older generation. However, I do think that they're taking advantage of their equipments and training. They don't have the same passion as your father and I once had." Aunt Yurim said while smiling at my father and it made him smile too. A rare sight, I believe.

My father, Min Yoogun is once a gold medalist in judo too. He was once so passionate about it, but he got injured. This caused him his career and he went dark after that.

Byul and Yoongi are trained and experienced in judo. They reached that time where my father was so passionate about that sport. I, however, didn't get to see my dad so happy about something. All I see is a mysterious and lonely man.

"It was the good times, Yurim. I'm now sad that my children didn't get to follow my footsteps in sports." My father sadly said, but Yurim comforted her.

"It's a shame, wasn't it? Byul was so good at judo." Auntie praised her and she smiled widely. I could see my mom rolling her eyes at auntie's words.

She was the reason Byul stopped.

"If I didn't let her stop judo, she would've still be fat and a tomboy. No one would probably loved her. It was a boy sport." Her words pierced onto Byul's heart and her smile faded. Auntie Yurim's eyes widened and it turned into rage.

"Haneul." My dad's expression turned into disappointment.

"Oh shit." Yoongi cursed under his breathe.

"How dare you say that to my precious niece?!" A knife flew onto my mom's face and we all know that this is going to be the worst night ever.

"You motherfucking bitch!" My mom stood up from her chair and her face is now bleeding. She grabbed the plate of pasta and threw it at our Aunt.

"Oh no." I said and it was all hell loose.

"Shit! Byul grab mom! And you Y/N, grab auntie!" Yoongi ordered the two of us, as the two women were strangling each other on top of the dining table. Everyone in the room is now panicking, well, except for one person.

I can't help but question if my father truly cared about mom or even his sister.

"What a shame." He said before leaving the dining table and heading into his office.

I tried my hardest to pull Auntie Yurim away from mom, but his grip was just too much. The three of us tried our best in tackling the two women and BANG!

The five of us flinched at the sudden sound of gunshot. We turned around and saw my father holding a gun. My mom immediately let go of my auntie and stood up from the dining table.

"Yoogun." My auntie sighed as she said his name. 

"ARE WE GOING TO EAT DINNER OR NOT?" he asked. Everyone responded with a nod and took their seats immediately. I looked at my dad directly in his eye, and I could feel shivers down my spine. 

For the first time in years, the Min family finally had a peaceful dinner that night.

Author's Note:

Hello! It's been a year since I last updated this book, and I have to say that I am currently not into writing right now. My teenage years have now transitioned into my adult years, and I just have heavier responsibilities than what I used to have. I guess, I still want to thank you for reading this book/novel. Your support means a lot to me, and I hope that even though this a random update, you'll still appreciate it. 

ILYSM, everyone! I missed you! 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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