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"That was so uncalled for, Yoongi!" Byul yelled at our brother as he tried his best not to move.

"I just couldn't help but punch the shit out of him! You saw Y/N's face, she was mortified to see him!" Yoongi pointed at me while defending himself and I gasped loudly.

"I was not mortified, Yoongi." I lied and he looked at me in disbelief.

"See! Y/N was not mortified." My sister massaged her forehead because of the stress and I looked at my poor brother.

"I just punched him once, you know?" He mumbled softly and I looked at his bruised face.

Jungkook really battered him. The audacity of that man.

"Well, you shouldn't have punched him because you know he used to do karate and taekwondo! Idiot!" Byul yelled once more and Yoongi's private doctor arrived.

"What happened to your face, grumpy pants?" I stared at him for a moment and I forgot just how handsome his doctor is.

"Why are you looking at Seokjin like that?" Yoongi pulled me closer to him and I giggled lightly.

"I look handsome, Yoongi. That's why she's looking at me like that." Seokjin winked at me and I blushed lightly.

"My sister is off-limits for now. She's not ready yet." Yoongi emphasized the word 'yet' while giving Byul a scary look. 

"And who said that?" Byul asked sassily and I looked down at the floor.

Here we go again.

"Me, now shut up—"

"Hold up! You forgot who mom gave birth to first! If Y/N wants a man now, she can get a man." She interrupted Yoongi and I sighed loudly.

"She's not ready yet! Right, Y/N?" He asked me and I don't know how to answer.

"I mean—if I find someone that I want now then I might date him, but there's probably none since I'm a divorced woman." I said to myself and they all looked at me with sad eyes.

"There's nothing wrong if you're divorced, Y/N. I'd date you if I want to." Seokjin teased and Yoongi looked at him in disgust. Meanwhile, I was blushing when he winked at me once again.

"D-don't say that, Y/N. There are people who will love you no matter what and they won't judge you for your past." Byul said to me and I smiled widely.

"I'm okay, guys. Just don't worry, if I meet someone who will love me as you said then I'd be grateful." I said and Byul approached me.

"You know what, I have a great idea to share with you—"

"You're not going to share that idea, Byul! Keep that idea to yourself!" Yoongi shouted and Seokjin flinched in shock.

"Oh come on, grumpy pants! This will help her to at least be occupied on something!" Byul groaned loudly and Yoongi looked like he wanted to cry.

"Really? What is it?" I asked enthusiastically and Yoongi shook his head in frustration.

"I don't want Y/N to meet random men that wears masks and hide their identities! What if she'll meet a creep!" Yoongi stood up from his chair and his face contorted when he felt a sharp pain on his leg.

"Sit down, Min." Seokjin said and he rolled his eyes at him.

Masks? Hidden identities? Is this what I'm thinking about?

"Wait, are you talking about that place where you have blind dates with random men wearing masks?" I asked and Byul looked at me with a mischievous smile.

"I know you missed what it's like to have fun in the night, Y/N."


"Byul, this is so abrupt—I mean, I don't have anything to wear." I panicked and she ran into her closet like a wild horse.

"This is not the time to panic, Y/N. We will find something in my closet that will fit you." Byul threw everything that she could find at her closet and I catched them all.

"I don't think so, look at me. I have stomach rolls and I look like I have four kids even though I don't have any." I told her and she grabbed my face harshly.

"That's the point! You have no kids, no responsibilities, just an ex-husband who doesn't give a fuck about you! You can get laid as much as you want, Y/N! So don't miss this opportunity because this only happens rarely." Byul harshly said to me and I stood there in shock. I processed the words she said and I can't help but agree with her.

I have all the freedom I want.

"That's all I got that are in a much more bigger size. We only have tomorrow, girl." My sister looked at me as I zoned out for awhile.

"Y/N?" She tapped me on my shoulder and I threw all her dresses to the floor.

"I think I have something in my boxes that I can wear." I said to her and she looked at me with excitement in her eyes.

I ran hurriedly at the newly laid boxes and Byul followed after me. The two of us opened the boxes and most of them were jeans and casual tees.

"Are you sure you have something to wear from these boxes?" Byul asked me as she opened more of my boxes. She accidentally leaned on one of the boxes and it spilled on the floor.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I—" She looked at it and I gave it a look as well. My hands reached out for it and I held it tightly.

"Lotte World, this was when he got his first paycheck." I said and I looked at our smiling faces.

So innocent and so happy, they didn't know what the future had for them.

Byul took the picture from my hands and she grabbed all the other stuff that reminded me of Jungkook.

"This is not the time to think of him, Y/N. You will have fun tomorrow and you will have the best night of your life!" She said with conviction and I laughed softly.

I hurriedly opened all the other boxes and a yellow satin fabric caught my eye.

"I think I found the dress." I informed Byul and she squealed loudly.

"Let me see it!" I showed her the dress and she gasped loudly.

"Oh, everyone is going to look at you like you're a precious diamond tomorrow."

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