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The sound of notifications coming from my phone woke me up. My eyes opened and I looked at my surroundings.

White sheets, pink walls and a weird lamp on my bedside table. This is not how my sister's room looks like.


I threw the blankets off of me and I sighed loudly when I saw that I wasn't naked.

"Thank God, I didn't do something last night." I laid back down the bed and closed my eyes for awhile. The sound of my phone buzzing has been annoying me and I took a quick look at it.

My eyes widened when I saw 500 text messages from Yoongi and 156 from Byul. I immediately stood up from the bed and gathered my things hurriedly.

"They must've been looking for me! Shit! Yoongi's going to kill me." I took my purse and adjusted my dress. A sudden headache made me falter a little and I sighed once more.

A black handkerchief caught my eye and a sudden memory from last night flashed. I remembered that Yoongi's employee sent me here, he was wearing a white mask that covered his entire face. He also wore an all-black ensemble.

That guy was so cool and hot. I want to see him again.

I smiled foolishly as I tried remembering the guy from last night. My phone rang once again and I declined it.

"There's no time to think about him, I need to fucking go home." I checked the hotel room for the last time and headed out of the room.

I'm confused, why are they worried when Yoongi's employee sent me here?


"Where the fuck were you?!" Byul hugged me tightly as I arrived in her house.

"I thought you were fucking kidnapped! Did someone touch you?! Oh my! I will fucking kill that—" I looked at her confused and she was crying like crazy.

"What are you all panicking about? A really nice guy helped me last night a-and I believe he was Yoongi's employee." Byul stopped crying and she gripped my shoulders tightly.

"So you weren't hurt?! Why didn't Yoongi tell me then? Why was he still so worried when his employee helped you?!" Byul asked me and I still gave her my confused look.

"Yoongi didn't tell you? Well, that's bizzare. A guy helped me last night claiming to be his employee." I explained to her and she was worried when I said the word 'helped'.

"Help you from what?" She asked while trying to dial Yoongi's number.

"I was drugged by a bastard last night. Luckily, Yoongi's employee saved me. He even brought me to a hotel and he left this black handkerchief." I raised the handkerchief in front of Byul and she gasped loudly.

"Y/N! Where did you get that thing?!" Byul pointed at the handkerchief and she took it from me.

"You better bring this handkerchief back to it's owner! This is like one of the most expensive handkerchiefs in the world!" Byul exclaimed and I shook my head at her.

How can a handkerchief be so expensive?

"What are you talking about? Have you called Yoongi already?" I asked her while pulling the handkerchief from her hands.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to ring it!" She pressed a button on her phone and she put it on speaker.

"Byul! Is Y/N home already?! This is all your fucking fault?!" Yoongi's voice was in rage and I listened to him patiently.

"Yoongi! I'm fine and I'm well." I answered him through the phone and he hung up immediately.

"That rude boy, where did he learn to hung up to me like that?" Byul asked angrily and I rolled my eyes at her.

"He basically learned that from you." I mocked her and she gasped loudly.

"Don't ever compare me to that, man!" She shouted while I slowly headed into my room.

Tiredness succumbed my body and I immediately laid down my bed. I held the handkerchief tightly.

"Who are you and what's your name? I wish to thank you properly." I talked to his handkerchief and the door to my room opened. My instinct to hide the handkerchief was fast and I saw a sweating Yoongi running towards me.

"Where the fuck were you last night?!" He asked angrily and I looked at him in disbelief.

"I was in a hotel room that you booked for me!" I answered his question and he shook his head at me.

"I didn't book no hotel room for you!" Yoongi shouted and I scratched my head in frustration.

"Yoongi, please calm down. Last night, you sent someone to watch over me. Don't you remember? I was drugged and he saved me." I explained once more and he looked at me as if he was about to explode.

"DRUGGED?! WHO FUCKING DID THAT?!" Yoongi was enraged and I groaned loudly.

"It doesn't matter, Yoongi. I'm safe and thanks to that guy you sent to watch over me. Can you tell me his name so that I can thank him personally?" I asked but he was still busy thinking about the guy who drugged me.

"It does matter, Y/N. I will kill that guy who drugged you." His voice became cold and I cried out of frustration.

"Just tell me the name of the guy you sent that save me! I would like to rest too!" I shouted back at Yoongi.

"Wait, what? An employee of mine saved you?" He repeated my words in an asking manner and he looked at me confused.

"Yes, the one with a white mask that covered his entire face. He was wearing a black suit too." I described him and Yoongi curled his eyebrows while thinking.

"But I didn't send a guy to watch over you, last night." Yoongi said, confusion lacing his voice and a small chuckle escaped my lips as I realized something.

Don't tell me, he lied just to save me.

"Why are you laughing?" Yoongi asked me and I smiled once more.

"I would like to rest now, so please go out of my room." I pushed him off the room and I locked the doors immediately.

I leaned at the wall and I started laughing.

I really got fooled by him. Why didn't I even think about that?

My cheeks started to blush as a sudden memory made it's way to my mind, I remembered my desperation to have sex with this random stranger last night. The thought of not knowing this guy excites me. It makes me want to know more about him.

"I'm so excited to meet you again, mysterious masked man."

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