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I sipped my coffee calmly as I tried not to listen at my brother's words.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you have to be fucking careful?! You're not in the right state of mind, Y/N! For fucks sake, you just got divorced and you're fucking another guy already!" Yoongi shouted at me while smashing another vase.

"Would you please calm down, Min Yoongi?! You're destroying the house!" Byul yelled at him. She is clearly panicking and she's basically summing up the prices of everything that Yoongi destroyed so far.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Yoongi grabbed the cup of coffee off of my hands and smashed it on the floor.

"Do we need to get violent over this?" I asked him with no emotions and he immediately gave me a serious look.

Yoongi composed himself for awhile and Byul sighed loudly. The three of us are just looking at each other nonstop.

"I feel like I had my closure today. I'm surprised that it felt so good to curse Jungkook out." I admitted out of nowhere and the two of them looked at me with concern in their eyes.

"He was concerned about you. So I had to let him in, because we were looking for you." Yoongi reasoned and I nodded my head as a response.

"I also fucked a guy last night, he made me feel good too. I don't understand why you're so angry at me for wanting to feel good, Yoongi." I honestly confessed to the both of them and they both froze.

The sudden bluntness of my words was so unexpected and shameless, that they thought another person spoke it.

"Y-Y/N, what the fuck?!" Yoongi cursed in bewilderment and I immediately rolled my eyes at him.

"I fucked someone and it felt good! It's been awhile since I felt good, so I don't understand that you're angry about it!" I raised my voice at him and Byul rushed to stop Yoongi from grabbing me.

"I am protecting you, Y/N. You're naive and you get attached so easily. Look what happened to you and Jungkook, you fucking divorced. Did his lovey-dovey songs save your marriage? Did he make you happy? He made your life miserable!" His words hurt like a dagger stabbing my chest.

"That's the problem Yoongi, I didn't asked to be protected! All I wanted was to live my life and do things my way! Do you think fucking that guy would make me instantly fall in love with him? Fuck no! So, stop being so protective over me!" I fought back with my words and Yoongi took a deep breathe before slamming the table beside me.

"Fine, do whatever you want, but I am telling you that you're going to regret everything that you're doing right now. I know you're just miserable and horny, so don't run to me and cry about your another failed relationship next time. I'm out of here." He walked out of our house and Byul didn't know who she would follow.

"Y/N, what's happening? Why are you being so harsh with your words?" Byul asked me while trying her best not to cry.

"I'm sorry, Byul. I just feel numb." I answered her question and she started to cry.

"Please don't change, Y/N. Please remember the softness and love that you carry into your heart." Her voice was trembling as she held my hand.

"After all that's happened to me, I don't think I can promise you that, Byul. I know that you're worried, but please take care of yourself too." I pulled my hand off of her and headed straight into my room.


I am staring at the ceiling for an hour now and I am contemplating on what to do. There is no Tacenda tonight, so I can't meet the masked man. How sad is that for me?


My staring contest is finally interrupted when someone called my phone. It's probably Byul or Jungkook, either way, I wanted to see who it was.

"Auntie Yurim?" A small smile made it's way onto my face and I immediately picked my phone up.

"How are you my pretty niece?" Her voice sounded so sly and mischievous that I can't help but laugh.

"I am fine, Auntie." I lied and she immediately laughed.

"Your life has been a shithole and you're fine? Oh, I highly doubt that. I bet your mother is shoving it right up into your ass that your marriage failed! And oh! I bet Yoongi is protecting you like you're the Queen of England!" She is exactly on point.

"How did you know that, Auntie? You are such a psychic?" I joked around and we both started to laugh.

"Oh, how I miss you darling . I wish I could hug you tight right now and shower you with kisses." Her sweet voice comforted me and my eyes started to water.

Auntie Yurim is the mother I never had. She is my father's sister and she is an olympic gold medalist in Archery. Unlike my father, Auntie Yurim is wild and liberated. She raised Byul when she got kicked out of the house at the age of seventeen and that's why my sister is who she is today. We really look up to her.

"Auntie, I miss you too. I wish you were here beside me." I admitted while crying through the phone.

"Oh my baby, Byul told me you were suffering and I didn't know that you're having such a hard time." That's why she knew about everything, Byul must've called her earlier.

"Hearing your voice is a lot already, Auntie. Thank you for always calling me when something is wrong." I thanked her as I wiped some of my tears away.

When I felt doubtful and confused about my marriage, Auntie Yurim was always there for me. Now that she is residing in Russia, I have no one to talk to about my problems.

"You must stop crying, baby. Don't worry, as soon as you open your eyes tomorrow, I will be there." She immediately hang up on the phone and I froze for a second.

Oh no, I have not realized the weight of my actions. Min Yurim going back in our household may not just be the best idea because—

this may be the start of World War III.

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