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"Did you have fun looking for me, baby?"

My breath quickened as I felt his face getting closer to me. The flashing lights made it harder for me to see him but his eyes are mesmerizingly huge and full of mystery.

"If you just introduced yourself to me properly, I wouldn't have come here and chased after you." I admitted and he let go of me. A huge smirk plastered on his face and I started to catch my breath.

"Why are you so amusingly honest? I never saw you as the bold type of girl." He dashingly showed me a smile and I could feel my legs melting.

"Just tell me who you are, okay? This time, don't freaking lie." I impatiently demanded him and he chuckled a little.

"Can't I even have a little thank you from you? You were drunk last night, you should be grateful for what I did for you. Maybe, reward me of some type." His right hand caressed my face softly and I froze on the spot.

"W-what are you doing?!" I stuttered as I felt myself just being controlled by his one touch. He leaned into my ear to whisper something.

"Maybe give me some money." I sighed loudly when he started laughing at my flustered face.

"What kind of reward were you thinking?" He started laughing more when I spanked him on the arm.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, baby girl." The sudden pet name made me blush and he observed my outfit.

"Sorry, I just escaped my brother's bodyguards and did my very best to find you." I honestly told him once again and he nodded his head.

"Are you going to warn me about him?" He asked and I nodded as well.

"He might be looking for you right now." I told him and a loud bang was heard. The both of us looked at the door and a loud voice shouting interrupted the party.

"Has anyone seen a girl wearing this shirt?!" It was obviously Yoongi shouting and I immediately facepalmed myself.

"Fuck, he's here!" I started to panic but he remained calm.

"I guess we have to get out of here."


The two of us were breathing heavily. My brother just went berserk the moment he saw me and this hot stranger jump out of the window.

"You should've seen his face! He was so enraged!" I told him with exaggerated eyes and the both of us started laughing.

"I guess we have a whole gang trying to chase us." He smiled widely while starting the car and I smiled at him too.

"My brother's more than a gangster, his a businessman who's very serious at his job." I leaned back at my seat while looking far away. The man beside me shifted awkwardly while adjusting his mask.

My eyes observed the fine man and I noticed that he was wearing bandages on his arms.

"What happened to your arm?" I asked him curiously.

"Just covering some wounds." He said casually and I looked at him with worried eyes.

"Where did the wounds come from?" I asked with a worried look and he patted my head.

"Fencing." He answered straightly and I immediately calmed down. The thought of him fencing made me realize how hot he can be when he's playing the sport.

"Are you daydreaming about me fencing?" He asked out of nowhere and I immediately shook my head.

"No, I am not. I'm just bothered by your mask." I lied and he hummed.

"What about my mask?" He asked.

"Aren't you going to take that off?" I asked him while I tried to reach for his mask. The car halted and I was shocked by the suddenness.

"What the fuck—"

"Don't touch my mask and don't you ever take it off from my face!" He yelled at me and I looked at him while trying to catch my breathe.

"I-I'm sorry, I just didn't know you are so serious about hiding your identity." I said sarcastically while stuttering as I looked down.

"I think I'm taking you home." He informed me of his plans and I gasped at his words.

"You can't take me home! My brother's going to imprison me in his house!" I shouted at him and he started the car once again.

"So where are you going to stay?" He asked me seriously and I couldn't think of anything. Byul is grounded by Yoongi and I have no friends to sleep at.

I guess I have to be so dumb to think of this idea.

"Take me to your home." I said boldly and I heard a loud chuckle beside me.

"You're really being so dumb, aren't you? Do you really think I'm someone who's safe to hang out with?" He asked me while never taking away his sight from the road.

"Well, you never touched me when I was drugged. I'm conscious now, what more can you do?" I said calmly but I'm truly terrified by the idea.

Is this the aftermath of divorce? Recklessness?

"Do you know why I didn't bother to touch you that night?" He asked me and I shook my head as a response.

"It's because I didn't have your proper consent, but I was so close to touching you. You were so fucking beautiful in that yellow dress, you didn't know what it did to me." I blushed at his bluntness and I could feel his smirk creeping up on his face.

"And what makes you think that I'll give you my consent?" I asked him and he chuckled lightly.

"You don't know how convincing I can be, Jeon Y/N or shall I say Min Y/N." He said seductively and I choked on my own saliva.

"Just drive me to your house, I can sleep on your couch or on the floor. I just need a place to sleep for tonight." I said my intentions clearly and he gave me a wide grin.

"Whatever you say, baby." He turned the car around and I'm assuming his taking me to his lovely abode.

Let's just hope I won't be convinced by this man.

Tacenda || A Jeon Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now