Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends

Start from the beginning

"Where exactly are we anyways (Y/n)?" Yuma finally asked the big question. You stood back up onto your feet once again with Yuma by your side. "That is a good question." You turned back to Yuma after you had said that, "Yuma, how are you even here? How are we even able to communicate like this right now?" Yuma could only shrug to your questions since he had no clue either on how the heck this was even happening himself.

Yuma looked around. "The last thing I was doing was going to bed." He mentioned to you as he took your hand. 'That was the last thing I did as well' You thought to yourself. "Maybe we can communicate with each other through the both of us being asleep since we have the same card?" You said your thoughts out loud which caught Yuma's attention since it seemed he said something that wasn't dumb. For once. It was only because you agreed in a way that it had something to do with how you both were able to meet.

"You know (Y/n) . . . I tried to communicate with you through my duel disk message board." Duel disk message board was a feature on your time's duel disk but they were not opperateable when doing a duel since it would be cheating if you were messenger other duelists on how to win which is why there is the gazer video options whenever a person dueled. They did not let you see all the cards each player has in general but be able to see their duel gameplay and communicate with those duelists.

You walked with Yuma down this dark space-like void. Yuma leaned his head on your arm that he held your hand from "I couldn't get through, even through your phone. Nothing could get me through to you (Y/n) . . . Kari was worried too, she wanted to send out a search party to find you even after my friends and I tried to explain to her what happened. That was before Astral came back to my side because he disappeared right when you did." Yuma looked off to the side while he said something that you couldn't quite catch on what he said.

Yuma put something in your pajama shorts pocket but you didn't notice but feel it. Choosing to ignore it for now to focus on the boy.

Nudging him slightly to gain his attention back on you again "What was that huh?" You looked over to him. Yuma shaked his head "It's nothing," He looked at you "Kari took a couple of days to convince her that you were here and time space warp stuff." A sly smile formed on your lips "You seem to be taking the whole time traveling thing pretty well." Yuma shrugs as he sighed "I have an invisible talking glow stick alien friend, time traveling does not surprise me." You laughed at the way he described Astral. It seems that he and Astral get along but bicker like an old married couple.

Then it hit you. He mentioned it took Kari a few days to process the news of you being here. That doesn't add up. You stop walking and Yuma continued walking but was yanked back a bit from holding your hand which pulled him a bit back. He turned back to you, now a few steps in front of you, he tilted his head to the side as he noticed you staring at him. "Something wrong (Y/n)?" Yuma's expression fell back to being worried for you "You said Kari took a few days to recuperate. Does that mean a few days have passed already in our time?" You squeezed Yuma's hand a bit "It is going to be almost a day of me being in this time period. Astral never mentioned to me that time was moving faster in our time period." Yuma's eyes widened and he was left speechless.

"Astral came back when we were in the same spot when you disappeared. Maybe he thought it was the same day, I mean to be fair the sun was going down too. It could have been an easy mistake." Yuma tried to calm you down as your entire body started to shake when he was explaining to you. You were not going to be able to have Astral by your side to communicate with everyone back home. The use of Astral has to only be in a dire situation considering that time was passing quicker with everyone else and Yuma might need him most whenever he might be away from him.

"If you are worried about communicating with me, we can still talk to each other through the cards. I was able to hear you earlier but I couldn't hear you clearly. I think you have to focus on communicating just like Astral has to focus to be able to transport himself to our time and your time." He made sense but it was another disadvantage in this world. Just when you believed you were going to have a good start to get down to the root of the problem, another block of problems is being thrown your way.

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