chapter 28(M)

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“Hey-” Jungkook begins, but his protests sound weak even to his own ears. “This isn’t what I-”

"What's your colour, Jungkook?"

"Green," he grudgingly says.

“Then hush. Brats like you don’t deserve to talk,” Taehyung replies evenly, positioning him where he wants him. “You just need to be put in your place.”

The vulnerability of the situation is clear. Taehyung is fully clothed while Jungkook is half-naked. He could move, totally. He’s strong, he could put up a struggle, get off Taehyung's lap where he’s been unceremoniously dumped. But he doesn’t want to, his old self doesn't want to.

He wants to see where this goes.

“Wh-what are you gonna do?” the younger asks in a shaky voice, not wanting to irritate Taehyung more than he already has. He’s a little scary when he’s mad, he thinks, and he doesn’t want to get on his bad side.

“Just going to give you what you deserve.”

His palm comes down, square on Jungkook’s ass. He yelps, hips jerking against Taehyung’s thigh as he tries to escape the impact, but only ends up rubbing his erection against it. The angel laughs.

“No more playing around, brat.” He delivers another sharp swat on his other cheek. Even through the fabric of his underwear, Jungkook can feel his hard hand, the heat from the smacks. Taehyung isn’t holding back.

“I’m not a brat, ah-” Jungkook whimpers, his head bowed as when he feels Taehyung’s hands tugging at the waistband of his underwear, pulling it down. He’s exposed, bare ass on his hyung’s lap. He doesn’t have any time to be embarrassed about it, because two spanks immediately rain down in quick succession, making him smush his face into the mattress to cover his groan.

“There. That’s the colour I was looking for,” Taehyung hums appreciatively. “Pretty pink.” He gropes at Jungkook’s ass cheeks that are spilling out over his bunched up briefs.

Jungkook’s head spins as he muffles his whine against the sheets.

The spanks return, going at a steady pace now, and Jungkook still cowers under the angel’s hand. Never has he ever been subjected to something like this—he thought his first time would be all vanilla, but he doesn't want that with Taehyung, he wants everything he craved for and throught he was a freak to want that for.
Getting a spanking like he’s an errant child, but it doesn’t feel anything like a punishment. His ass burns, only helping to ignite the undeniable flames building in his belly.

He gasps when Taehyung’s hand push his briefs down further, to his knees, all the way to his ankles and off.

“It’s a shame people don’t get to see this pretty ass more often,” Taehyung mutters. He pries one of Jungkook’s ass cheeks to the side and there’s nothing he can do about it. Embarrassment floods him. Taehyung is appraising his body, looking at his hole, and then—

He spanks it with his other hand.

Jungkook wails, his cock twitching underneath him. He wasn’t expecting it at all, and being spanked in such a sensitive spot makes him see stars.

Taehyung laughs as he lets go of his cheek, and returns to the regular spanking. One on each of his ass cheeks, alternating, and it goes on and on.

It’s confusing, being spanked like this, feeling the pain bloom across his poor cheeks and still being so aroused. Jungkook doesn’t get it, but he can’t really think beyond the sensations barraging on his body. Hot all over—his arousal, his shame, all tumbling into a cacophonic mess.

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