~Chapter 18 Raid~

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I woke up, my head buried in red hair and a familiar throbbing in my groin. I was suddenly very aware that I was only wearing a t-shirt and boxers. Sedia shifted, her soft round ass pushing into my morning wood. I groaned, tried to untangle myself. I struggled to get up without disturbing Sed. Failing miserably, I sighed best way to wake up. My woman in my arms, was I pussy to admit to myself I missed this? I gave in, snuggled up to Sed. Tried to convince my dick that sex was NOT on the table. No question I wanted back into Seds life in every way possible. A morning quickie was not where I wanted to start. I wanted to do this right, gain her trust. I wasn't going to blow it this time. The question I woke up with? Did she want the same thing I did? I was gambling on a yes. She just didn't know it yet. Hopefully.

"Mmmm someone's awake." Sedia whispered voice still husky with sleep. Her words wrapped around me. Seducing me, making my cock twitch. The conversation I had with it flew out the window.

I watched helplessly as Sedia rolled, her sleep shirt riding up to expose the underside of her breast. Fuck Sed had amazing tits. With a shaking hand I pulled the shirt down. A futile attempt to remove temptation. Her nipples winked at me through the thin cotton. With a brush of a hand I'd be able to refresh my memory. Were they as full as I remembered? As soft? I deserved a fucking sainthood. Steering myself away from thought of Seds nipples I stifled a moan. A man could only take so much. The blast of my alarm from downstairs reminded me I needed to move.

"Sed? Doll? I need to get up." If I didn't leave now there'd be no time to shower before church. Being late was never an option.

"I need to go rescue Shirley and Joe from the kids." Sedia stretched, her nipples staring at me. Taunting me as they pushed proudly against her sleep shirt. Were they still perfect? One slip of my hand and I would find out. I stared at her helplessly, transfixed by her emerald eyes. Her tongue darted out, brushed her lower lip.

I leaned over, kissed her. Helpless to resist the magic that wove its way between us. I cupped her breast over her shirt. She was my own brand of heroin and I was addicted. The soft weight fit my palm perfectly, always had. My dick twitched, throbbed, she shifted against me brushing it absently. Arching as the the kiss deepened and I toyed with her nipple. I swallowed her gasp as I pushed against her hand. She ground her core against my hard length. Scalding me with her heat. She was right there with me this morning. I flexed my hips as Sed pushed against me. It was all I could do to hold back, beat back the orgasm that threatened. I was not some teenage boy! The second blast from downstairs jolted me back to reality. Reluctantly I tore myself away before things exploded. I groaned, I wanted to spend a day relearning Sedia's curves. Getting lost in her. Hell, would a day even be enough?

"Fuck!" I cursed, "Gotta get moving." I shoved myself from the bed scrambling to find my jeans. Sedias soft laughter followed me as I searched for my jeans and pulled them on. The gun I'd tucked under the bed found its way back into its usual spot at the small of my back. It's a wonder I'd never blown my ass off. Almost did the first time I tucked it in.  Still, I felt naked without it there.

"Coffee before you go?" Sedia asked reaching for the hoodie tossed on a chair. I'd kill for a coffee this morning.

"Thanks but no time." I dashed down the stairs before I reconsidered. Spending the day in bed with Sedia was sounding better with each throb of my dick. I took the time to do another circuit around the house. In the light of day I could see what I'd missed in the night. I made my around front to see Sedia sitting on the front steps, hands cupping a steaming cup of coffee. An oversize sweatshirt falling around her, the morning sun sparking her red hair. She was beautiful, sitting there like that.

"Find anything?" She took a tentative sip of coffee looking at me sleepily over the rim of her mug.

"Yeah." I held my hand out, showing her the cigarette butts I'd found. "Footprints too. You have a security system? Someone was casing your place recently. It would be nice to get an idea of who the asshole is."

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