~Chapter 9 Sedia~

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"Oooooo I'm going to kill your father!" I said to Jordan while I filled two sippy cups with water, cut applebslices and made a pb & j for the twins lunch. "Do you know what he did?  I'll tell you what he did!  He went and confronted Raid.  Went to Lost Order clubhouse.   Man could have been killed."

"Old man has balls." Jordan replied sneaking an apple slice.

"Ryker, Ryder come eat lunch!" I glanced over to the living room frowning at the Duplo strewn about.  Was it too soon to learn the pick up game.  They scrambled to their feet running to the bathroom without being told for a change. "I'm meeting Raid after I drop the kids off at playschool.  Watch them for lunch?  I need to change." Maybe I should shower and was my hair too?  I raised an arm and sniffed.

Going upstairs I elected to shower if only to calm my screaming nerves.  I was making  too much out of this.  Raids text this morning had my pulse racing.  It had been a simple 'Can we meet' yet my palms were sweaty.  Could I do this?  For the sake of our boys I had to at least hear him out.  Somewhere public had to be for the best right?  I wasn't likely to rip his clothes off.  I flipped through hangers and pulled open drawers searching for the right look.  No way was I going to meet Raid looking like something the cat dragged in.  I finally settled on a pair of daisy dukes and an off the shoulder peasant blouse.  A pair of wedge sandles would  finish it off, I think.  It's not like I cared what Raid thought.  Right? 

Coming back downstairs I asked Jordan "Okay, I need a typical male, nope forget it!" I looked fine.  Didn't matter anyway.  "Why am I stressing out about this Jord?"

"You want my opinion as a male?  You look hot as fuck!  Really a MILF.  Sed, you'd look sexy in a sack.  Remember you're meeting to discuss the kids.  Try not to get emotional." As ever Jordan was honest with me.  Knew what I was looking for.

"I was never this nervous with him before." I used to be excited to see Raid, but this nervousness was new.  I felt like a teenager going on their first date.  I didn't blike this nervousness, set me on edge.  My feelings for Raiden clearly not resolved, maybe I needed closure?

"You're a woman, you still want him to find you hot.  You've got it covered.  Now go.  I'll be here when you get back in case you need to punch something." Jordan helped me get the kids together and into my SUV with minimal fuss.

After dropping the kids off I made the quick trip over to Jenkins Pond.  Pulling into the parking lot I saw Raids bike but no sign of him.  In a way I was relieved, a few minutes more to mentally prepare for what could be a difficult conversation.  I made my way to a bench nearby and sat looking at the pond.  In the distance I couldn't help but notice a lone figure.  Not the right build to be Raid, familiar though.  It seemed to slip through my fingers, eluding me.  I'd seen that person before.  I subtly started looking around for Raid, sighing in relief at his approach.

"Sedia, here, I thought you might like one of those fancy coffee drinks you like." Raid handed me a large cup and sitting beside me.

"Mmmm, you remembered my mocha frappuccino!"  I took a sip, glancing up at him. "Oh my God!  What happened to your face?" I gently touched the area around his eye, swollen and bruised.  On impulse I leaned over a lightly kissed it.  Pulling away sharply, a blush staining my cheeks. "That's supposed to make it feel better.  All boo boos get kisses in our house."

"Had a run in with Joe's fist, feels better now.  What about my boo boo from yesterday?" He chuckled pointing to his dick with a wink.

"One of the club skanks didn't kiss it better?" I replied batting my eyelashes innocently.  I didn't know much about them.  Once in a while they came into the bar, very obviously different from the old ladies. 

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