~Chapter 15 Sedia~

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I let myself in the back staff door of Rotty's throwing my bag into my cubby. Exhausted didn't begin to cover it, the twins had me up early, the nap I promised myself never happened. To top it off Jordan's leave ended early, they were shipping out in a few days to where he couldn't say. Or didn't know, did it matter? His parting words still rang in my head, blunt as ever he'd made his opinion perfectly clear. Don't be stupid. Whatever that meant. Not like I was about to let Raid march back in and start dictating my life. I let Drake know I was in, he had things under control but Sally wasn't coming in. She'd better have the plague. I was pulling my low cut black shirt on when Deanne walked in for her shift.

"So? Pyro? You haven't shown an interest in him before." I teased. Had I missed this? The amount of time Pyro spent here and I'd never picked up on this? Had I become that oblivious? I had mixed feelings. The more Pyro was here, the more Raid would be too.

"I've noticed, didn't think he saw me that way. Maybe I was wrong? Something YOU want to share my friend? You very clearly know HIS friend." Deanne grinned, pulling her blonde hair up into a pony tail.

"Raid? Oh umm yeah, we have history. He's the twins sperm donor." Bomb dropped, bad timing I know but I simply couldn't lie to Deanne. Not about Raid, I was done with keeping him a secret. Kind of hard to when we had kids together. "Let's do lunch this week. I'll explain. We'll go while the boys are in preschool."

"Is this really a lunch conversation? Or does it require something stronger?" Deanne looked at me pointedly "I didn't see her car, Sally sick again?"

"Yeah she is. I might have to talk to Joe. Damn!" There'd been loud voices, laughter and music in the background when Sally had called. "Its gonna have to be a lunch conversation. "

For a Saturday night things went smooth. Usual club guys playing pool, locals in and out. Once the evening rush was over Drake was able to finally leave. Between us, Deanne and I could handle everything. I was pouring a jug of draft when he walked in. Don't ask me how I knew, the atmosphere simply changed. Heart pounding I finished pouring the jug and dropped it off. It was a relief when they joined Demon and Dagon in Deanne's section. I didn't have it in me to deal with him tonight. Most of the night I could feel his eyes on me, quietly watching. I'd look up and there he was. Customers dwindled and I announced last call, that's when he finally approached.

"One last fireball." He winked and sat at the bar.

"You actually like this shit?" I asked raising an eyebrow, I'd sent it as a joke yesterday.

"What can I say, I like something that has a little heat." He took a sip and grabbed my hand. "You okay Sed? You look exhausted tonight."

"I'm ok Raid, tired. It's been a long day. You sticking around again?" I left my hand in his, unable to find the energy to fight it tonight. If I was honest with myself I liked the security I felt with him around. I liked the tingles that ran through me when he watched me. Tonight? I couldn't fight it, couldn't keep my guard up.

"You closing again tonight?" He asked.

"I close every Friday and Saturday night. It's easiest with the twins. Shirley will come out and stay or I'll leave them there. Whatever is convenient." I replied. With the last of the customers gone I watched Raid lock the doors. He held out his hand for the spray bottle and cloth and began wiping down tables, putting stools up.

"I've cashed out, you good here?" Deanne asked, putting one last glass in the washer. She blushed and glanced at Pyro, She was more than a little interested.

"I'll walk you to your car Deanne." Pyro tucked the rag and spray bottle under the bar.

We exchanged a look, definitely some catching up to do. "I'll text you tomorrow about lunch or something this week."

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