~Chapter 6 Sedia~

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I stormed into the house, slamming the door behind me. Didn't even come close to taking the edge off. Fucking door, doesn't slam right! I wanted to hit something or someone. OOOOOH, the nerve of him just showing up like that. Who the hell does he think he is anyway! Lame stupid ass excuses. I kept the tears at bay, holding onto the anger. Anger was better, it didn't leave me feeling alone and helpless. I'd never take a cent from that...that...that still sexy as hell shithead. How could my body betray me? I wanted him. There was no mistaking the current state of my panties. That man could still kiss, part of me had wanted him to fuck me right there by the stream.

Nope! I can't let myself go in that direction, anger was still better. There were constructive ways to burn off this anger. I found myself in the twins room tidying up the toys strewn about. Fucking asshole, what did he want? Douche bag. I threw the toys in the box with more force than intended. Oh hell, my boys didn't deserve broken toys cause Momma was mad. I moved onto the bathroom next, scrubbing the misses from the floor and toilet seat. Maybe he could teach them to at least aim straight or keep it in the bowl at the very least.

I managed to clean the anger away, still my response to him lingered. Raid had always affected me on a different level. I was sitting on the couch watching something besides Treehouse or Baby Shark when Jordan pulled in. It was hard to miss anyone pulling up my drive. My downstairs was pretty open, kitchen and living room were all one big space. Windows and a set of sliders kept everything light. A fireplace was tucked into a corner, above that was where the tv hung. Jordan's room was the second smaller bedroom upstairs. The reason the twins shared. It worked well, they screamed bloody murder if separated at night.

"Your parents have double trouble?" I asked seeing him come through the door with a case of beer and bottle of Tequila instead of two rambunctious kids.

"Yeah, they offered. Mom figured you needed some alone time. I picked up the usual. Hope you don't mind, I told them baby daddy showed up. Dad was about ready to march over here with his gun. Told him you had it handled." Jordan said as he stuck a bunch of beer in the fridge and found the shot glasses.

"What do you think he wanted Jord?" I asked, getting up and grabbing a cold beer from the box. I poured our shots and sat back on the couch. "Cheers." I raised my shot at him and we tossed them back. He sat down at the other end of the couch with his own beer.

"Clearly to see you." Jordan chuckled, obviously thinking he was hilarious.

"Ha ha, very funny. Before I got pissed off at him again he told me he'd been in jail. Didn't ask him what for, he's club. No one told him about Ryder and Ryker while he was in. No one told me he was arrested. And of course, no one knows he's their father. At least till now. What a cluster fuck." I explained, taking a long drink I shook my head. "I don't want him anywhere near those boys if isn't going to stick around. "

"I can just picture him taking them to little league or pee wee. Does he know they don't make booster seats for bikes?" Jordan didn't bother to hide his sarcasm.

"Do I look like I can afford little league and pee wee." I shot back, ignoring the rest and changing the channel, finding the opening to Star Wars episode IV.

"Did you even ask him what he wanted?" Jordan sighed, getting up to grab the tequila bringing the bottle with him instead.

"Hell, he kissed me and I lost my temper, again." Jordan burst out laughing, putting down the tequila he was about to drink.

"What's so funny? Jordan Mills do you want to be next on my shit list!" I hissed through gritted teeth. I was not in the mood for it tonight.

"You want him again? Don't you?" Jordan teased. " Have you been with anyone since the sperm donor. Does the guy have a name Sedia?"

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