~Chapter 13 Raid~

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I walked back to the table feeling more than a little smug. Fuck I loved getting under Sed's skin and setting her temper off. Totally worth it, watching her skin flush and her eyes snap. Gave me a hard on, and that top? Fuck me, maybe it was that top. There was truth in what I said about being on display. She was mine and I hated the way my brothers eyed my woman. For my eyes only, if that made me a chauvenistic pig then so be it. My brothers looking at my woman that way? The sooner I made it known She was mine the better.

"Sedia notice anything lately?" Pyro asked.

I gave myself a mental shake and took a long drink of my beer, "She didn't think so, we'll stay after close and talk to her."

Pyro looked at me with questions in his eyes, "We will?" I didn't have to guess, I knew what he was thinking. And he'd be right maybe I'm crazy to be going down this road again with her. Hell, she didn't want anything more than my dick before. Now I'm not even certain she wants that.

"You had better stay, she's pissed as hell at me. The boys flooded the bathroom yesterday and somehow I'm to blame."

Pyro threw back his head and laughed, "Those kids are yours for sure. Do you remember that time we painted each other blue with the leftover paint from your room?" He went by Mark in those days. Pyro didn't come along till much later.

I pounded Pyro on the back, wiping the tears away. "We wanted to blend in with the wall so we could scare my mom. Fuck, she was pissed as hell. Shit, I thought she was gonna skin us for sure." Even our hair was blue, no easy feat since even then Pyro was somewhere between blond and red.

We managed to get ourselves together, waived a couple guys from Lost Brotherhood and Lost Angels over. Before any serious talk could start Pyro caught Sedias attention. I watched as she slowly made her way to us. Stopping to clear glasses and take drink orders on the way. Every shift of her hips, the slight bounce of her tits gave me wood tonight. No girl at the clubhouse would be enough to take the edge off. I was fucked.

"Another round please Sedia?" I asked with a wink. What the ever loving fuck was wrong with me? Why couldn't I just leave her alone? I hadn't felt this alive since I saw her Monday. I watched as a subtle flush tinted her skin. I couldn't help but remember the way she flushed all over when she...I'm so fucked! In my head I could picture her eyes as she came that first time. Wrong train of thought, I desperately tried to change tracks. Under the table I attempted to adjust myself and pay attention to the conversation.

Turned out Lost Brotherhood had a shipment jacked by Drifters and a dealer was found with Drifter product on him. Lost Angels, a couple bikes had been stolen from a club owned shop. It was petty things that were happening so far. It was the drugs that bothered me, did we deal? Yes. Nothing more than weed though. Local authorities turned a blind eye and we kept hard stuff out. This was not enough for an all out war. Drifters knew they would be out manned. Some time in our conversation Sedia returned with drinks. I took a sip and almost choked. Fireball!! I had to hand it to Sed, she didn't back down. I'd always loved that about her. She subtly got her point across. I caught her eye and raised my glass, blew her a kiss. I was brought back by Dagger.

"Sedia notice anything after Monday?" He asked, repeating Pyro's earlier question.

"Not sure, she didn't say. Likely not related to this shit with Drifters. This has been going on since I was arrested. Right?" I answered.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Pyro looked around, his eyes settling on that new waitress.

"Has it always been small time stuff?" I questioned, the group looked at each other nodding. "Maybe they're trying to break up the brotherhood? Get us pointing fingers at each other." I suggested taking another sip of my drink. While the fireball burned it wasn't unpleasant, it was growing on me.

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