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"Why, in the world, did you think it was a good idea to help the kid?!". Tony was raging. Not only was he mad at Peter, he was fuming at his daughter.

It was a different situation, to say the least. Never did Tony ever have to discipline his daughter - partially because she was away for a few years with SHEILD. But now, looking at Maddie sat on the couch, he was glad he never had to.

"He was on to something. I thought I could help." Maddie threw her hands up in defence.

"Maddie, if stuff like this happens, you tell me! You don't play detectives with clueless boys".

"God you're such a hypocrite! You don't listen Dad. He tried to tell you but you blew him off. And what was that whole 'if you're nothing without the suit,you shouldn't have it' shit! That's your whole characteristic! You are a man in a suit!"

"Without the suit I am still a genius, billionaire and philanthropist." Tony looked down at his daughter as he stopped pacing the living room. "This is so unlike you Mads. Only when you had your freak accident did everything go south for you!".

Standing up from the couch, Maddie took a step closer to her father. "Stop treating me like I'm a helpless little girl, incapable of making her own decisions".

"I support your decisions, but not when you make the wrong ones" Tony spat back, maintaining eye contact.

"I'm done with this" Maddie scoffed before storming her way to the stairs.

"Maddison Maria Stark, you get back here right now!" Tony yelled after her. Instead of a response, all Tony heard was the deafening sound of Maddie's bedroom door slamming shut. With a huff, Tony sank down into the couch, holding his head in his hands.

"Rough day?" He heard a voice from behind him. Lifting his head and turning around, none other than Pepper Potts stood before him, finally back from her own business trip.

"I don't know what I did wrong Pep. Sure I wasn't the best dad for awhile but I thought I was atleast better now" Tony sank back down, dragging his palms down his face. Pepper walked over, the familiar clicking of her heals approaching the couch. Tony felt a dip in the couch as an arm curled around his broad shoulders, pulling him close.

"She's a teenage girl Tony. Let her lash out. You know she doesn't mean it." Peppers soft voice soothed Tony's ears.

"No Pepper, I could see in her eyes she meant ever word. Do I really treat her like she's useless?" Tony looked to her now.

"No Tony. You've been nothing but a great father to that girl, but she's growing up. She's becoming a young woman now so it's natural for her to have an outburst."

Tony looked back to the ground before speaking again. "Maybe I should go check on her-" he began to stand but Pepper pulled him back down again.

"Let her cool down first Tony. Give her time".

So he did. Tony gave Maddie the space she needed while he worked away his emotions in his lab.

Two hours later, Pepper finally encouraged Tony to talk to his daughter. It took a lot to move the man from his lab but if anyone could, it was Pepper Potts.

After a quick pep talk to himself in a hallway mirror, Tony found himself outside his daughters bedroom, fist hovering over the door. Taking a breath, Tony knocked on the door three times.

Not long after, the door opened revealing a tired Maddison Stark.

She had changed into a sweatpants and oversized T-shirt. Her hair was tied back into a low ponytail and the bags under her eyes showed slightly - almost as if she was trying to sleep. Her one hand held the door while the other fiddled with the familiar locket around her neck.

"Hello?" Maddie's voice, alot quieter than earlier, hit Tony's ears. It was like he was talking to a completely different version of his daughter.

"Can I come in?" Tony asked, expecting the door to be slammed in his face. But to his surprise, Maddie pushed open the door more and stood back, allowing Tony to walk in.

"I was just watching a movie".

"What one?"

"Legally Blonde. But it's only starting. I thought I'd watch a few episodes of Modern Family before it." Maddie walked towards her bed and sat down, her back against the headboard.

"You've seen that movie a million times. Do you not get bored of it?" Tony laughed, looking up at the TV screen.

"Yeah, but it's my favourite movie." Maddie chuckled looking at her dad now. "You wanna watch with me?".

Tony tore his eyes from the screen and squinted at his daughter.

"I'll watch if you don't recite the whole movie".

"No promises old man".

So after making space on her bed for him, Maddie and Tony sat against the headboard sharing occasional comments about the movie. Most Tony's comments consisted of 'This doesn't make sense' while Maddie would reply with a 'I don't care, Elle Woods is a Girl Boss'. It was back and forth for the most of the movie. It was almost like their argument didn't happen, but Tony's conscience wouldn't let him forget about it.

"Hey MadDog?" Tony whispered.

"Mmh" Maddie responded, eyes glued to the TV screen as the court scene finished.

"About earlier-"

"No. It's okay".

"Maddie listen to me-"

"No dad. It's okay. I know you didn't mean what you said, just like how I didn't mean what I said. I understand and I'm sorry". Maddie finally turned to face her dad, sitting back on her heels.

"You're an amazing kid Mads, incredible even. You should be allowed make decisions and learn from them. You are the most important person in my life and I'd be damned if I let that go because of a stupid argument." Tony smiled softly at his daughter, as she stared at him. "I respect you for trying to help the kid, I do. I just would have liked if you'd have told me. We've never kept secrets from each other Mads."

"What about the time you didn't tell me you were dying?".

"Ok sure one time-"

"Or when you ate my Kit Kat and blamed it on Happy?"

"Ok I get it!" Tony laughed. Maddie dropped down and snuggled into Tony's side, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for saying you're just a man in a suit. I didn't want to say it but i was mad and I said it out of impulse".

"It's ok MadDog, I forgive you" Tony leaned his head on top of hers as he spoke.

So the two Starks stayed on the bed, watching old movies and laughing at each other's smart comments. Both happy to have the massive weight lifted from their chests that was the argument.

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