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"When you said we were building something, I didn't think it would be this" Maddie squinted at her fathers blueprints. He was planning on building some kind of iron suit like the one he escaped captivity with.

"Where you expecting cookies? Sorry to break it to you Mad dog but I'm not a baker" Tony remarked back, fully focused on the holograms infront of him. " I just need to modify this blue print and we are good to go".

"You know if you make the base of the boot larger and add boosters in the heels as well as the soles, you will have a smoother flight" Maddie spoke staring at the hologram infront of her father.

"Mads don't be be silly, that won't W—" Tony looked back at the hologram and stuttered. "That's actually not a bad idea. Good job kid". Maddie smiled to herself and watched as her father began tapping on the hologram.


The two worked on the suit for hours. Neither one wanting to take a break. Maddie treasured this moment, it was the longest she had ever been in her fathers lab and she wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon.

"Ok trial 11. Mads on my go. Dummy, look alive, you're on standby for fire safety" Tony pointed at one of his robots. "And go".

Maddie held a tablet of controls. She pushed the energy button. Tony was starting to hover, slowly but it was a start. He put out his hands and now he was gliding higher. Maddie was mesmerised . Everything was going perfect.

"I have been buzzing you. Did you hear the intercom" Pepper barged into the lab, causing Tony to fall in surprise. " We need you upstairs".

"Okay" Tony replied, starting to take off his gear.

"I thought you said you were done making weapons" Pepper questioned.

"This is a flight stabiliser, not a weapon" Maddie smirked at Pepper and getting a thumbs up from Tony.

"Okay first of all, how do you know that, your seven years old and two, Maddie it's way past your bedtime"

"But Pepper I don't need sleep, I'm busy" Maddie responded. Tony bit his lip trying to hide a smile.

"Oh my god, there's two Tony Starks." Pepper joked. " But seriously Maddie, bed, now"

"Fine" Maddie groaned. "Goodnight Pepper, Goodnight Dad".

Both adults saying goodnight to the young girl, she skipped out of the room upstairs. Pepper and Tony staying in the lab.

"Wow that kid idolises you Tony" Pepper smiled.

"I know. And I thought that kid was smart" he replied.

"You know she's been a whole lot happier now. Do you know why?"

"Did they released a new Barbie doll or something?"

"No Tony. She finally gets to spend time with you and your work. She won't shut up about this lab."

Tony grew a small smile as he leaned back against his workbench. "She's a good kid. Pretty intelligent too, I'd be a fool if I didn't challenge her. You know she gets her smarts from me."

Pepper chuckled lightly at his comment. "Obadiah is waiting for you upstairs" she spoke before turning towards the door and walking out.


"Day 11, test 37, configuration 2.0." Maddie said as she tapped the tablet In her hands. The two were still working on the suit. For the first few days, Pepper kept trying to pry Maddie away from the lab but she wouldn't budge. After that, Pepper just left the girl with her father, happy the two are finally getting along and Maddie has received the fatherly attention she craved for 7 years.

As far as the project went, the two Starks had made a little progress but were nowhere near completion. It didn't bother either as much as you would think, for the father daughter duo were just happy to be working on something together.

"Put it up to 2.5 Mad Dog" Tony yelled over his boosters as he hovered in the air. Maddie did what she was told and raised the configuration on the tablet, allowing her father to glide around the lab. Watching him in awe, the girls mouth was dropped.

"Not the car! Not the car!" Tony screamed as he glided over his cars, next he was heading for a table but slightly missed it. Falling to the ground with a thud, the older Starks eyes widened.

"Yeah, I can fly" he smiled. He slowly got up and looked at his daughter who was absolutely frozen in awe.

"Mads, you ok?"

"YouJustFlewAroundTheLabInAIronSuit AndYouAreAskinghMeIfImOk," Maddie spoke really fast not taking a breath. "THAT WAS SO COOL!Can I try?"

"Absolutely not"

"Uh Why" Maddie moaned.

"Because Mads, you will get hurt. And if something happened to you...what would I do with your room. I mean I'll just have to change it into a games room, aw but I already have one. Dang. Well we can-" Tony responded but was quickly interrupted by Maddie.

"Ha ha. Funny. And fine, I won't fly" Maddie pouted.

"Hey Mads maybe in the future, I promise. Just not until I know this thing is 100% safe. Ok?"

Maddie nodded slowly. Of course Maddie was upset but she understood why he was putting his foot down. If something ever did happen Maddie, who would feed her nintendo dogs and take them for walks.

"I'm really tired, maybe we should call it a day kiddo."

"Yeah ok" Maddie yawned. "Goodnight Old man". She smiled as she walked towards the double doors of the lab.

"Goodnight Mad Dog. Sleep tight"

"I'll try" Maddie smirked as she pulled open the left of the double doors and walked out, closing it again behind her. She slowly walked up the stairs and flipped onto her bed, passing out in pure fatigue. Before she was completely out of it, Maddie snatched her bear and pulled it close to her. Within seconds she was a goner.

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