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The day after Ned found out about Spider-Man, he was constantly asking Peter questions. So much so, Peter could have sworn Ned was just repeating the same question over and over.

By the time the boys had gym class, Ned had finally eased down. That was until he told the whole gym that Peter knows Spider-Man, mainly to impress Peter crush Liz Allen.

So now the boys were sitting inside Mays car, parked across the road from Liz' big house.

"House party in the suburbs. Oh, I remember these. Kind of jealous." May joked looking over at Peter, only to see Peter staring out the window at the house.

"This is a mistake. Hey, let's just go home." Peter hastily turns to May, beginning to reach for the keys in the ignition.

Swatting his hand away, May laughed. "Oh, Peter. I know. I know it's really hard trying to fit in with all the changes your body's going through. It's flowering now."

Peter chuckles a bit, returning his gaze out the window.

"Yeah, let's do it. Yeah. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go." Peter says with a huff as he opens the car door and steps out. Ned who was sitting in the back, admiring his hat in the mirrors quickly gets out too. With a swift goodbye to May, the boys start to make their way up the long drive way to the big house.

"You have the suit right?" Ned asked Peter as they walked side by side.

Peter pulls up his sleeve in order to offer Ned a glimpse of his Spider-Man suit under it.

"This is gonna change our lives" Ned cheered to himself. Finally reaching the front door of the big house, Peter opens the door. They enter the crowded house party and glance around anxiously. Peter looks especially nervous, fiddling with the sleeve of his shirt. There were teenagers everywhere. Drinking, dancing or making out with each other.

Music was coming from the living room, a kid named Flash acting as the DJ.

Turning to face Peter, Ned spoke over the loud music. "Okay. We're gonna have Spider-Man swing in, say you guys are tight, and then I get a fist bump or one of those half bro-hugs."

Peter nodded and looked around the house again. Eyes widening when he sees a particular girl walking towards him.

"Hey, guys. Cool hat, Ned." Liz Allen approach's the boys. Peter tenses up as Liz glances from Peter to Ned and back to Peter.

"Hi Liz" the boys both mumbled at the same time, Peters voice however coming out squeaky and high pitched.

"I'm so happy you guys came. There's pizza and drinks. Help yourself." Liz smiles. Although she was speaking to both Ned and Peter, Peter couldn't help but notice she was looking at him a lot more.

"What a great party" Peter talks up, his voice slightly deeper.


The sound of glass breaking pulled the girls eyes away from Peter and Ned. "Oh, I... My parents will kill me if anything's broken. I gotta-" Liz sheepishly speaks.

"Have fun" she quickly adds before hurrying off.

When Ned was sure Liz was gone, he turned back to his best friend. "Dude, what are you doing? She's here. Spider it up." Ned slaps Peter on the chest which doesn't effect Peter in the slightest.

"No, no, no. I can't... I cannot do this. Spider-Man is not a party trick, okay? Look, I'm just gonna... be myself".

Holding onto Peters shoulders, Neds voice softens. "Peter.....no one wants that" he offers a pitiful smile.

"Dude" Peter groaned.

The two start to slowly walk towards the living room, a familiar voice echos through the speakers.

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