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After the fighting in the ship finished, Tony began to freak out. He couldn't find his daughter and he would never forgive himself if something happened to her.

In the briefing room, the group sat. Tony pacing around the table.

"Tony, she's a smart kid. I'm sure she hid" Nat tried to calm down the older Stark who only slightly nodded. More pacing later, Nick Fury walked into the room, Maddie Stark trailing behind.

As soon as the pair walked in, Tony rushed to his daughter, pulling her into a tight hug. Maddie returning this as Nick walked forward.

"Are you ok? Did you get hurt? Where were you?" Tony rambled on.

"Dad I'm okay, are you okay?" Maddie reassured him. Nodding more, Tony grabs Maddie's hand and brings her to the chair beside Steve Rogers.

"I found her by Loki's cell. I saw the hatch was open and I knew I sent Coulson there so I went to check if he was ok. Only I walked in and saw the kid standing by the door.... staring at Coulsons body". Nick sighed, looking down at the floor.

"I..um.. was looking for somewhere to hide, so I ran into the room but I found him". Maddie added, now trying to hold back tears as she sank into her seat. Avoiding everyone's eyes.

The group continued talking but Maddie zoned out. Her mind occupied with Coulsons body lying in the floor. She may not have known the man that well but she knew he had a family, a life outside of SHEILD. She didn't know why but she felt guilty. For what, she didn't know but it was eating her up inside.

For the rest of the time on the helicarrier, Tony made sure Maddie never left his side. Maddie didn't mind though, she was happy to be with her father.

Before they knew it, the hero's were walking towards a quintet, now with the help of Clint Barton who was now out of Loki's control. Tony stopped before getting in the jet and turned to Maria Hill.

"I know I don't ask for favour a lot but I need one now" Tony spoke to the woman.

"What would that be Mr Stark?"

"Can you make sure Mads is safe. She can't come with us, I can't lose her"

With a pitiful smile Maria sighed. "I'll keep an eye on her Tony" Maria reassured him as she placed a hand on his shoulder. A small smile and Tony made his way to the quinjet.

When the quinjet was finally in the air, Maria went back into the helicarrier.

Maddie was sitting at the briefing room table, fiddling with her locket when Maria approached her. Sitting down beside the child, Maria began to talk.

"You okay kid?" Maria asked looking at the Stark.

"I'll be fine I guess." Maddie mumbled, keeping her eyes trained on her locket.

"You know, I'm pretty impressed" Maria shrugged. Maddie now looked up at Maria confused.

"Impressed by what exactly" Maddie questioned.

Maria smiled and faced the girl. "Normally kids with rich and famous parents become spoiled brats. You though, I wouldn't even know you were rich".

"Thank you?" Maddie didn't know how to respond.

With a minute of silence between the two, Maria spoke again. "You'd make a good SHEILD agent you know".

"Really?" Maddie questioned. Maria smirked a bit seeing the girls face. Maddie's eyes were squinted and her eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm going to have to talk to your dad but, we've got young agent training soon. You should tag along."

"I mean I'll think about it." Maddie responded now going back to playing with her locket.

Days later, the whole Loki ordeal was handled. The Avengers had managed to stop the Chituari from taking over New York aswell as Tony Stark almost losing his life trying to stop them. This scared Maddie, of course it did. She had seen her father at his worst, that was for sure, but seeing clips all over the internet of her father risking his life really made Maddie realise what having Iron Man as a dad is like.

Sure, as a little kid, Maddie was in awe of her dad and would tell everyone about him when she first met them. But now that she's getting older, she's beginning to hate the idea of her father risking his life to save others.

Now here she was, waiting with Maria Hill for her father to pick her up.

"Hey MadDog, you miss me?" Tony smirked as he approached his daughter.

"I suppose I did a little bit" Maddie smiled back, bringing her dad into a hug.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on her" Tony smiled at Maria. Nodding back, Maria walked away from the Starks, leaving Maddie to ask Tony the question Maria was encouraging her to ask him.

"Hey dad?" Maddie spoke as Tony threw his arm around her shoulders and they started walking towards the car.


"Maria was talking to me about this, this programme for young agents. She wanted me to tell you that she wants me to go".

"Mads thats a great idea...where is it?".

"...Washington" Maddie mumbled. Tony stopped in his tracks and stared forward.

"That's quite far".

"I know, so that's why I'm not going to do it. I can't leave you and I know you wouldn't want-"

"Go" Tony interrupted. Maddie looked at him confused.


"Mads you should go. If not for yourself for me. It would put me at ease knowing you're learning how to handle yourself. And plus you will be safe there."

"But dad-"

"No Maddie listen. If something were to happen to you, I don't know what I'll do. My work is getting more and more dangerous and the fact everyone knows I'm Iron Man, that puts a huge target on my back, aswell as yours. At least if you go to this thing, I can sleep peacefully at night knowing that if someone was to come after me, you could hold your own."

Maddie was quiet, avoiding eye contact. Maybe he was right. This probably would be the best thing for them. Maddie being in a different state would let Tony focus on Iron Man instead of worrying if his daughter was safe or not. So with a little time Maddie responded.

"Okay.. I'll do it".

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