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"I'm sorry, you want me to what?" Maddie scoffed I'm confusion. The two Starks were in the training room, Maddie standing on the training mats while Tony sat in the bench, eating grapes.

"I want you to teleport like you did before. Easy" he smiled, tossing a grape into his mouth.

"Easy!? I can't teleport. And even if I can, I don't know how!".

"I don't know, focus or something like that. You know like they do in the movies. Clear your head".

Shaking her head, Maddie closed her eyes, trying her best to clear her mind and focus on going from one side of the room to the other. Squeezing her eyelids and balling her fists, she pictured her moving. Nothing happened. Groaning, she turned to her dad.

"See...nothing. Maybe it was just my imagination. That thing in your lab might have just made me see things".

"Nope. That's not it." Tony scoffed another grape. "This time, just imagine moving to the end of the mat".

"But I did that already".

"Well do it again".

Rolling her eyes, Maddie once again closed her eyes and focused on the end of the mat. This time it felt different, heck it looked different. Tony sat up straight now as he himself could see light blue sparks coming from Maddie's fists. He stared at her, surprised his advice actually did something. Until, Maddie was no longer there. Glancing across the room, Maddie was infact at the end of the mat.

Maddison Maria Stark had the power of teleportation.

Standing up from the bench and completely discarding his grapes, Tony slowly approached his daughter, looking at her in awe.

"What...W-what just happened!?" Maddie looked up at her father.

"You did it kid. You teleported." He smiled. "Who was right? I was right".

Maddie smiled a bit before instantly dropping it.

"You ok kid?" Tony asked, noticing her changed mood.

"I feel like I'm gonna throw up" she groaned, bricking it out of the training room and into the toilets


"So you can teleport" Natasha sat infront of Maddie in the briefing room.

"Yup" Maddie nodded.

"But you get motion sickness from it".

"Ding ding. Ten points to Romanoff!" Maddie yelled.

Ever since she first met Natasha, Maddie had grow quite close to the women, Seeing her as an older sister figure. So it was a no brainer that she was the first person Tony told about Maddie.

"It's a shame, you would have made a great avenger" Nat joked gaining a look from Maddie.

"Even if I could handle my insides, there is no way I'm ever becoming an avenger". She scoffed.

"And why is that may I ask?". Nat sat forward.

"Growing up, watching people you love risk their lives and almost die isn't really my idea of a life. Not to mention the amount of times I've had to help dad with his Arc reactor or stitch him up after missions cause he doesn't want to go to a hospital. I can't do that to myself."

Natasha grew a face of pity. Sure she spoke a lot with the girl, but Maddie never talks at an emotional level. This was the most open she had ever been with the woman. Of course Maddie shared stuff with Natasha she would never talk to her father about. It was a real surprise to Nat.

Trying to lighten the mood, Nat joked on. "You're probably better off. I mean, you would get your ass kicked".

"Hey, I learned a lot of combat and fighting while I was in Washington. I could kick your ass if I really wanted to" Maddie joked back.

"I'll believe that when I see it".

"You're lucky I'm too weak to fight you".

"It really is a shame isn't it" Nat rolled her eyes.

The two talked for what felt like hours after. Nat trying to raise the girls spirits. Everything was normal. The most normal Maddie had felt all day. Their conversation was cut short when Tony walked into the room and plopped beside Maddie.

"Rough day?" Maddie smirks at her father whose head was in his hands.

"Ross is giving me 36 hours to bring Barnes in" he groans.

"We're seriously understaffed." Nat speaks.

"Oh, yeah. It'd be great if we had a Hulk right about now. Any shot?" Tony looks up at Nat.

"No. You really think he'd be on our side?".

"No" Tony leaned back In his chair.

"I have an idea" Nat stood up.

"Me too, where yours?"

"Downstairs, where's yours?" Nat asks. Tony just sat there and smiled.

So Maddie's got powers :)

I wanted to give her side affects for her powers because I have a lot planned for this story and the side effects play a huge role in it.

Obviously I'm going to get through civil war first because it is where we are introduced to Peter, who will also have a huge role in the future of the story.

I really hope you all are liking this story so far. Please please comment and vote and possibly follow.

P.s I love what you did with your hair today. Did you get it done? You're looking fine my friend.

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