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2 months later

Maddie had finally gotten used to Nats absence. Yes, for a while it was hard, but when Pepper Potts came back into the Starks lives, things began to look up. With a woman's influence in her life again, Maddie could be a normal teenage girl.

Well, a teenage girl with the ability to teleport and daughter of one of the richest men on earth.

Aswell, Maddie had finally come to terms with her role as "Spider-Mans Contact". Although she didn't like the fact she was basically babysitting, she was kinda glad she had something to do. Without Nat around, Maddie couldn't really practice combat.

Peter had been texting and calling Maddie most days. Updating her on what he had done and asking if Tony had any new missions for him. Maddie only ever responded when Peter was in desperate need of help, or he was asking questions about the suit.

So Maddie was stuck to the one thing that could easily distract her, tinkering.

Putting down her tools and looking at their phone, she saw she had a voicemail from, you guessed it, Peter. Pressing a button to play the voicemail, Maddie put it on speaker.

"Hey, Maddie! Um, here's my report for tonight. I stopped a grand theft bicycle. Couldn't find the owner, so I just left a note. Um... I helped this lost, old Dominican lady. She was really nice and bought me a churro. So I just, um, feel like I could be doing more. You know? Just curious when the next real mission is gonna be. So, yeah, just call me back. It's Peter. Parker."

Sighing, Maddie stopped the voicemail and put her phone on silent. The poor kid. All he wants is to be an avenger, that much was obvious to Maddie, but it's clear to her that he's not ready. There is a huge difference between stopping bike thefts and stopping alien invasions.

"Hey MadDog!" Tony greeted as he entered the lab.

"Hey dad" Maddie smiled back, quickly going back to her work.

"What are you doing in here?".

"Just some stuff for the insects updated suit. It will look the same but I'm just adding useful things".

"Like what exactly?" Tony grew interesting, leaning against the work bench.

"Well..." Maddie pulled up her blue prints on a holographic screen. "I've just finished a space heater, you know so he doesn't get cold and die of hyperthermia. I'm in the middle of adding different web types like taser web, boomerang web and my personal favourite, the bomb webs. I still have to put on the training wheels protocol but after that I'm as good as done".

Tony just smiled at his daughter. The joy on her face when she was talking about her work was all Tony needed. Sure, Tony's defeated many enemies but seeing his daughter happy will always be his greatest accomplishment.

"I'm glad to see you're adding the training wheels protocol. It's a good idea". Tony fiddled with a screwdriver.

"Well it was your idea" Maddie smirked.

"Then it's a great idea" Tony joked before  putting down the screw driver and pushing himself off the work bench. "You wanna go out for Pizza? Peppers back from a big meeting in LA so she will be joining us."

"Sure, I'll be out in a bit. Just gonna finish these circuits". Tony nodded at her and turned to leave.

Turning back to her work, Maddie sighed. She has been working on this suit for almost two weeks and honestly, she didn't want to finish. What would she do with herself without a project?

Finally securing the last wire, Maddie completed her final web type. Turning off her overhead light and putting away her tools, Maddie picked up the suit and tucked it into a secure cause. Her being the only person to have the code.

Locking the lab door behind her, Maddie went to join her father and Pepper in the living room as they prepared to leave for Pizza.

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