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"Maddie? Maddie? Wake up goddamn it!" Happy shook the unconscious girl. Tony sent Happy just to check up on Maddie while he was away. He didn't like the way she acted when he left. So when Happy arrived at the Stark home, he found the girl past out on the floor of her fathers lab. Panicking, he lifted her up and plopped her onto the living room couch, trying everything to wake her.

Glancing around the room in worry, Happy looked for anything to wake her. With an idea, he stormed to the kitchen and filled a glass of water. Coming back to the young Stark on the couch he stood infront of her. In one quick motion, he tossed the liquid onto the girl.

Maddie woke up with a jump, normal yes. Until she just disappeared.

"What the fuc-" Maddie yelled in a panic. Happy jumped when he turned around and saw the 15 year old on the floor behind him.

"What-....how....Maddie what just happened". Happy rambled. Maddie's eyes widened now realising what had just happened. She woke up on one couch and next thing she was at another side of the room.

"I-I don't know...one second I was in dads lab and the next I'm being pulled to this blue thing and then-"

"Wait wait". Happy interrupted. "What blue thing?".

"I don't know? This weird blue rod thing".

Happy eyes widened now. Moving to get his phone from the coffee table, he picked it up and began to dial a number.

"What are you doing?" Maddie spoke loud.

"I'm calling your dad".

"No no! Don't call dad. Then he's gonna know I was in his lab when I wasn't supposed to be and plus I don't even know what's wrong with me. If I don't know he most definitely won't because let's be honest I'm a lot smarter than him-" she yelled without a breath, only interrupted when Happys phone began to dial.

Maddie knew she was screwed. Not screwed, fucked.


"I told you to stay out of my lab!". Tony yelled at the young girl.

"And I told you I wanted a dog, life ain't fair" she yelled back. A day after Maddie's accident, Tony arrived home. When he heard what had happened, Tony had to get back home. But not before there was an attack at the signing of the Sokovia Accords, killing the King of Wakanda.

"One thing Mads. I asked you to do one thing and you couldn't do it".

"Hey don't act like you've never broke rules."

Rolling his eyes Tony paced the room. "We are not talking about me Madison Maria Stark, we are talking about you disobeying me. I can't believe this." He huffed.

Tony was a mess. Maddie knew this wasn't because of her. Something else was wrong.

"What's wrong?". She whisperer as he sat down with his head in his hands. Looking up, he looked drained.

"Steve's war buddy blew up the building we were in. He killed the king of Wakanda. Ross needs us to bring him in but we can't find him"He sighed.

"That must be tough for you" Maddie rubbed her dads back in a pitiful way, Tony now catching in to her plan rolled his eyes.

"Don't try and change the subject kid. I'm not done scolding you!"

"Damn. Sometimes I forget you're extremely clever".

"Trying to flatter me won't work either Maddie".

Leaning back in her chair she smirked. "Hey, a girl can try".

Turning to face his daughter, Tony sighed. "Just tell me what was going through that head of yours when you entered my lab".

"Okay. Well..... I was bored, so I thought I'd work on something but all my tools were in your lab. That's why I went in there. But when I got there... I saw the blue light thing. It was like I was being pulled towards it. Next thing I knew, I'm waking up on the couch and then I'm on the floor" Maddie explained. Tony extremely interested in her words.
"Can I ask one thing though?".

"Shoot" Tony urged.

"What was that thing?".

Tony sighed again, one hand scratching the back of his neck.

"It's a long story".

"I can take it". Maddie reached out and held her fathers hand.

Taking a deep breath, Tony started talking. "You remember the alien attack a few years back? Well, I can't stop thinking about it.
When the crew were cleaning up the debris from the fight, they found that blue rod. Alien tech. I took it, well stole it. I just needed to know if I could somehow figure out what the whole invasion thing was about.
I got nothing from it, that was until the whole Ultron thing happened and the rod started to illuminate."

Maddie listened to every word he said, afraid of interrupting. The pair sat in silence for a while. Maddie processing what he had told her. Why didn't he tell her this before? Is that why he agreed to send her away? She was broken from her thoughts when Tony stood up suddenly.

"Come on kid, let's see what that thing did to you".

"Excuse me?"

"You said you woke up on the couch and then in the floor across the room, that's not normal Mads".

"So what you're saying is...."

"Maybe you've got special abilities or something"

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