How Do You Do It

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"There. We. Go. And- Perfect!" Paul marvelled at the large, red bow on Martha that she didn't even mind too much.

"You ready for this, Macca?" John asked.

"Never been more ready for anything ever before in my life."

"Okay..." Ringo said hesitantly.

"She's a little bit too... poofy, don't ya think?" Stu inspected the little furball topped off with the red bow.

"I dunno, I think she looks kinda cute like that." George tilted his head a bit.

Paul let out a deep sigh. "Oh, Ellie, how do you do it to me?"

How do you do what you do to me? I wish I knew
Wish I knew how do it to me, but I haven't a clue!
You give me a feeling in my heart like an arrow passing through it
'Spose that you think you're very smart
But won't you tell me how do you do it?

Gerry and the Pacemakers began singing over Ringo's phone as Ringo's idea of a joke. John, Ringo, Stu, and George snickered as Paul rolled his eyes.

"Isn't something missing, though?" John looked over the slobbering ball of gray and white once more.

"Like what?" Paul thought for a second looking at Martha. "Of course the most important thing!"

Paul pulled out the small box covered in velvet, with a thin blue bow tied crisscross on it and tied it to Martha's collar.

"There. Now it's perfect."

At almost perfect timing, the doorbell rang, alerting Martha that a certain someone was back.

"It's open!" Paul shouted, holding Martha in the hallway. He was waiting for the right moment...

Elise opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Ready, go!" He whispered to Martha, releasing the scruffy bundle of excitement. She scrambled to get to her owner.

"Oh my gosh, Paul! She's so- fluffy." She said, observing her little dog.

"Told you so!" Stu mouthed.

"Shut. Up." Paul mouthed back.

"Yes, you are, you're very very fluffy, aren't you?" She babied Martha. "What's this on your collar?" She looked at the little box around the collar covered in fur.

Paul walked out, waiting to see Elise's face when she opened it.

She untied the ribbon that attached the box to the collar.

Slowly, she opened it.

"Oh. My. God. Is- is this-"

"What else would it be?" Paul asked kissing her dearly.

"This-this has to be a dream, after all, that's nothing else it could be. I could only imagine this in my wildest dreams."

"I could only dream of having a girl like you, so how 'bout we dream together?"

She could say nothing, but the tears in her eyes said everything Paul dreamed of hearing. She cried and began hugging her new fiance.

It was official. They were engaged.

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