Chapter 2: Blending In

Start from the beginning

You turned back to Mai whose arms were crossed and turned her attention from the screen onto you. "Well, I guess we both will see you and Yugi next week. That is if we bump into each other during the tournament before the finals." Mai went beside you while Tea and 'Yugi' turned to you "You are going to participate in the tournament as well . . . Um, What was your name?" You smiled at her "My name is (Y/n) (L/n) and you are?" It was too late to fake a name since you already and stupidly told Mai your name. "My name is Tea and this is Yugi." Tea gestured her hands over to 'Yugi' who had his eyes on you the entire time.

'Yugi' seemed to be surprised at you for being a part of this tournament. "I didn't know you dueled." You chuckled lightly at his words. You were a skilled duelist apart from being a journalist. 'Oh how Yuma would have been stoked to meet you . . . Kari would have probably asked you tons of questions . . . Yuma . . . Kari . . .' You laughed in your thoughts but now you felt the sudden sadness from not being able to see them. It was only temporary, you at least hoped so. The reality of the situation was starting to sink in. "Let us both do our best in the tournament." 'Yugi's' words snapped you from those thoughts for now. There it was again, the easing sensation from his voice alone made you feel much more relaxed again.

"Don't look so down, it's okay to be nervous. Though I have a feeling that you will do just fine in the tournament." 'Yugi' placed a hand on your shoulder. Tea watched the man treat you with kindness as he always has done with anyone but something to this was different the way he interacted with you. It was with such care and comfort even though he only just met you. It was something anyone would notice just by looking at you two.

Mai locked arms with yours and let out a hardy laugh"We should be getting going. Don't want us ladies to lose out on our beauty sleep now do you?" She slowly dragged you on over to your duel runner "Toodles you two!" She chirped and forced the helmet on your head. Implying to haul ass and you rode both of you off down the street and whip around a corner and out of sight.


Tea and Yami watched as the two of you rode off into the endless night. It was first discovered he was a pharaoh back in ancient Egyptian and played an ancient game that was similar to Duel Monster. His 5,000 year old destiny brought him to this moment in his time to destroy the evil he fought once before but instead of sealing it; he must destroy this evil once and for all.

"Something wrong Yami?" Yugi's spirit stood beside him and looked over to him as he saw the Pharaoh stare off to the spot you once were at. Yami turned to Yugi's spirit and shook his head "No, it's nothing." He told him as the two of them could only see each other's spirit forms as well as hear them. Yugi felt this wave of eagerness that he felt from Yami but he decided to not ask about the feeling. He knew Yami was going through enough as it is with his own identity crisis at this moment. Yugi didn't want to push him any further than he had today, setting him up to find out about his past with Tea and all.

Yugi left Yami's side as Tea waved her hands in Yami's face "Hello! Earth to Yami!" she called out to him and it evidently snapped him out of his daze "Finally. I was calling you for a while now. Is everything alright?" Yami nodded to assure her he was alright as he placed his hands in his pockets. Tea and Yami started to walk down the sidewalk.

'(Y/n) . . . I sure do hope we meet again . . . And when we do . . . I hope I can understand this feeling that is occuring when I am in your presence . . . Along with why my heart aches just from you leaving . . .' He lingered to that thought as he looked up at the same night sky that the two of you were under this very night.


You finally got to the hotel which was fancy but it was cheap. At least compared to hotels in Heartland City it was since this is a completely different time so of course it would be cheaper. Luckily you had money to afford this place. Since you didn't bring any clothes, you made an excuse to Mai. Lying with the excuse of this tournament invitation was a spur of the moment of coming here so you forgot to bring any. Mai was kind enough to let you borrow a pair of her clothes but she grilled you to buy clothes tomorrow and her a new set since she is gonna let you keep these pajamas which was nice of her.

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