Amortentia Accident

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Summary: While practicing potions with Hermione, Harry makes a mistake that ends with them both being covered in Amortentia. More people than usual are flocking toward Harry, annoying the boy to no end. However, for some strange reason, Draco Malfoy seems completely unaware of why everyone is acting so strangely.

Word Count: 2,320

Many things were different in their eighth year. Nearly every student saw the thestrals, leading to a moment of silence only broken by the sound of tears. Perhaps due to this sadness, compassion arose. It was no longer a group of divided students; no, it was a group of kids who were shoved into a war they never wanted to fight.

It made Harry happy, honestly, to see the love born from tragedy. On his way to Transfigurations, he saw a first-year looking hopelessly lost. Before he could intervene, an eighth-year Slytherin was pointing the little Hufflepuff in the right direction, asking if he wanted to be escorted. It was moments like these that made the Gryffindor glad he had come back for an eighth year. He also realized all those who died in the war had not died for nothing.

However, despite all the changes, some things remained. One of them was that Harry was still positively hopeless when it came to potions. Being in Slughorn's good graces was the only thing keeping him from failing and everyone knew it.

Therefore, it came as no surprise when Harry's potion began bubbling. He had been practicing with Hermione, trying to get a better grasp on the potion they were beginning next class period. The Gryffindor was partnered with Draco Malfoy and he really didn't want to look like a fool in front of the blond.

That was one more thing that had changed: Harry's feelings for the blond. All of a sudden, his eyes couldn't seem to leave Malfoy. He had the same snarky sense of humor as before, but the ignorance was missing, The heart Harry suspected the blond always had was finally visible and it made Harry's own heart skip a beat. Of course, it didn't hurt that Malfoy was also lovely to look at.

Okay, so, in actuality, perhaps this wasn't even something that had changed. Maybe, just maybe, Harry had always been drawn to the blond. Now without the excuse of suspicion to hide his stalking behind, the Gryffindor had simply realized he just liked looking at the boy. Why did he have to be so beautiful? It was infuriating, honestly.

All thoughts of the blond were wiped from Harry's mind when the bubbling potion suddenly exploded on them both. "That could have gone better," The boy mumbled more to himself than Hermione.

"I told you to only stir clockwise 30 times but you kept going!" The girl frowned, clearly disappointed in her friend. "I can only imagine how poorly you'll do in class when you have Malfoy distracting you. Have him stir, alright? I don't think exploding a potion will impress him much."

Harry flushed. "I don't want to impress him."

His friend merely laughed. "And I don't want to ace my exams." She spelled them clean, beginning to examine her potions textbook to see if it was okay. "Honestly, Harry, I'm not dense. I've been offering you potions help all year and you only just now accepted it after finding out Malfoy would be your potions partner."


Unconvinced, Hermione added, "You stare at him constantly and flush anytime you make eye contact." After a moment she added, "Though, now that I think about it, he does tend to be staring back. Not to mention the stuttering; I've never heard Malfoy stutter around anyone besides you."

Thankfully, the mortifying, though slightly intriguing, conversation was cut short as a swarm of girls approached them. "You smell heavenly, Harry," A girl swooned. "Like lavender."

Lavender? Harry did not think he at all smelled like lavender.

"No, it's like the smell of rain or something." The girl breathed the scent in, a content smile on her face as she did so. "I love the smell of rain," She added.

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