The Truth in Interviews

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Summary: Draco has managed to make a name of himself apart from the Malfoy name. No longer is he thought of as an ex-death eater. Instead, he is the top reporter for The Wizard's Today. However, the life he has worked so hard to achieve is suddenly threatened when he's asked to interview Harry Potter.

Word Count: 4,226

Draco had a shitty excuse of a life for 20 years. At first, he hadn't realized he was being treated about as well as a house elf. No, his pain was hidden behind expensive clothing and a fucking manor. He thought he was spoiled. That was the cruelest part actually: Draco thought he was lucky to be a Malfoy.

Being a Malfoy came with far too many rules though. His friends were predetermined. His career was predetermined. His wife was predetermined. Pretty much anything that should have been a choice, wasn't.

He was lucky he didn't hate Blaise and Pansy as they were the only thing that kept him sane through his Hogwarts years. Which leads him to the worst part of his life. The mark on his arm was just as predetermined as the rest of his life. He was supposed to betray his school and the entire wizarding world.

Maybe he could have done it if not for Harry bloody Potter. That boy had been a wrench in the perfectly designed plans for Draco Malfoy. He was the first person Draco tried to befriend on his own and also the first one to refuse Draco's hand. It infuriated Draco, but mostly because he couldn't let it go.

Draco thought he had hated Harry, thought he wanted him dead. Then the boy had shown up on his manor floor and Draco finally had the chance to end him; he couldn't though. Despite everything he had been taught, everything he thought he stood for, the blond couldn't let Harry die. He had even thrown his enemy his fucking wand.

The worst part was that the bastard had returned it and actually thanked him for lending it to him. Not to mention, Harry was the only reason he and his mother weren't rotting in Askaban with his father.

After that Draco had to act like a phoenix and rise from the ashes or some shit like that. He had worked tirelessly to prove he was more than the mark on his arm, even if he himself couldn't see past it. Somehow though, he had managed to turn his life. Draco was a reporter now, offering the truth with no bias, and, surprisingly, people trusted him. For the first time in 20 years, Draco was in charge of his own life and Harry Potter was ruining it.

The first time Draco was told to interview Harry Potter, he hadn't even been surprised. Everyone wanted an interview with Potter; the only thing that surprised him was that Scarhead had actually agreed. Still, it was Draco's job to be unbiased so he got rid of his prejudice and decided to give Potter a fair interview.

"If I'm not mistaken, you had no knowledge of the wizarding world until your 11th birthday?" Draco asked, staring into the vibrant eyes of one Harry Potter.

The surprise on Potter's face had startled him. "That's a relevant question," The boy had laughed. "No wonder everyone keeps telling me what a great reporter you are!"

"I don't understand."

"In the last interview I had, I was asked to remove my shirt." Draco's eyes widened, making Potter laugh. Why was his laugh so infectious? "To see my battle scars of course, as if the scar on my head wasn't causing enough problems." He had laughed a bit more before seeming to remember Draco's question. "Oh, and yes, I had no knowledge of the magical world before I turned 11."

From Draco's research, he had gathered that Harry had a shitty first 20 years of life too. The blonde felt too shy to dig into all of that though, instead of settling for: "Were there any signs of magic that presented themselves before your 11th birthday?"

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