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Summary: After overhearing Draco Malfoy mention he has a thing for pink hair, Harry can't help but change his own hair. However, after hearing several more comments about what Draco is interested in, how much is Harry willing to chance? Honestly a crackfic

Word Count: 2,050

"Come off it, Pansy," Draco laughed. Seeing she was about to argue he added, "You can't defend him! It looked ridiculous!"

Pansy rolled her eyes in response, seeming annoyed that they were still having this debate. "That was the point. He dyed his hair pink because he was rejecting the status quo. He was doing his own thing!" The fact Pansy had gotten so absorbed in muggle movies recently was concerning.

"You're right," He replied sarcastically. "Pink hair is so hot on a guy." Draco threw his head back, biting his lip while he pretended to swoon. "The ability to be comfortable standing out that much; I'd get down on my knees for any guy with pink hair." He poked his tongue against the inside his cheek, earning a smack from Pansy.

"You pervert!" She admonished, giggling slightly.

This silly conversation probably would have been forgotten before the week was even over if not for one fact.

Harry Potter walked into the Great Hall the next day with hot pink hair.


"You've lost your mind, mate!" Ron was staring at Harry, his face a mixture of amusement and concern. "First the hair and now this. Honestly, I'm worried this is some kind of delayed reaction to everything you've been through."

It was just like Ron to be blunt with something like this. However, his best mate couldn't be more wrong. Malfoy had been talking a lot recently about what he looked for in a guy and Harry couldn't help being slightly swayed by the suggestions.

It had started with the hair, of course. He had overheard his Slytherin crush talking to Parkinson about how he'd get on his knees for a guy with pink hair. Gosh, that statement alone was reason enough to learn a hair-changing charm.

However, it wasn't just Malfoy's mouth he was after; though, to be fair, that was one of the blond's best features. Harry wanted all of him. He wanted to know every part of Malfoy, physically and emotionally. If pink hair helped with that then the savior could handle a little bit of teasing.

Harry hadn't planned to change anything else but, well-

"Blue eyes are my weakness," Malfoy had told a Hufflepuff while Harry was passing by.

The Hufflepuff had looked confused at the random statement, clearly trying to decide whether Malfoy was even talking to him. "That's cool?" The boy replied hesitantly before walking away.

Harry didn't even care why Malfoy had decided to say it. All he knew was that there was a chapter about changing eye color right before the chapter he had used to learn how to change his hair.

"Do you not want to look like you?" Ron asked, unaware of Harry's inner thought process. "I know it's hard being the savior and all but-" He trailed off, awkwardly rubbing the nape of his neck. "Changing your hair and eyes isn't going to help you have a normal eighth year."

Harry shook his head. "I'm just experimenting is all."

His friend looked like he wanted to protest but kept his mouth shut, heading out of their shared room without another word on the matter.


"Potter?" Malfoy's eyes were on Harry. "Your eyes are blue."

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